An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.


Anand Vaishnav

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  • Paa

    Far from being boring or heavy on the senses, this is a simple film for the entire family. Take your Maa and Paa along and you wont regret it.


    Dec 2009
  • De Dana Dan

    It would be harsh to run it down by drawing unnecessary comparisons with classic comedies. De Dana Dan has tremendous entertainment value. Given the style of most Bollywood comedies - De Dana Dan is the funniest film of the season.


    Nov 2009
  • Tum Mile

    While the disaster angle is clearly a gimmick. And the lovers could very well have sorted out their differences on a station or an airport lounge...


    Nov 2009
  • London Dreams

    Eventually London Dreams is all about the joy of watching Salman and Ajay's chemistry. Their star power makes up for all the flaws. Both have put their heart and soul into the film, delivering powerhouse, career defining performances.


    Nov 2009
  • Aladin

    Ghosh's setting is neither magical enough for a fantasy nor identifiable enough to be real. It’s too confusing for kids and adults alike. Except for a few laugh early on and Bachchan’s stand out act, Aladin is another addition to Bollywood’s failed attempts at fantasy.


    Nov 2009