An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.


Anna M.M. Vetticad

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  • Baar Baar Dekho

    If I had the power to go back in time and any power over Team Baar Baar Dekho, I would cajole or bully them into rewriting the second half of their script. In the present though, in the here and now, this is a film that starts off well but fails to sustain itself.


    Sep 2016
  • Shorgul

    ...screenplay by Jitendra Tiwari is effective in not taking sides with either community involved. Unfortunately, it takes its title very seriously and ultimately loses itself in its own din.


    Jul 2016
  • Housefull 3

    ...taking the audience lightly with lazy scripting, skating along instead on the charisma and goofiness of its central male star, goodwill for many of the remaining cast members and occasional patches of witty absurdity.


    Jun 2016
  • Phobia

    Ghost flick, psychological thriller, social commentary or all the above – in the end, Phobia is what you want it to be for yourself. It is also, without question, a superbly entertaining film.


    May 2016
  • Sarbjit

    The true story of Sarabjit Singh Atwal is a tragedy of gargantuan proportions that is enough to move a rock to tears. Yet director Omung Kumar somehow manages to make a curiously unmoving film out of this inherently heartbreaking story.


    May 2016
  • Traffic

    Drama is intrinsic to these situations and to the larger, multi-cultural Indian reality, without the crutch of high-decibel songs or explicit moralising. If Team Traffic had understood that, this could have been a great film. As things stand, it is an uneven, unsatisfying ride.


    May 2016
  • Fan far from being perfect, it urges us to think about issues relating to stardom, fandom, idolatry and public expectations from famous people without overtly appearing to do so.


    Apr 2016