An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.


Reza Noorani

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  • Shab

    We need filmmakers like him to have conversations about subjects like same-sex relationships, single mothers, but he needs to have his objective clear.


    Jul 2017
  • 1921

    The problem with '1921' is, that Vikram Bhatt has added too much of a story to it. While the ghosts he has created do manage to scare you, they pop-up like such overzealousness and dedication so often, that after the interval, you are almost numb to their presence.


    Jan 2018
  • Coffee With D

    It could have been good film, but the undoing of Coffee With D is its post-production. The film is let down by shoddy editing and a bad dubbing job where entire sentences are muted and out of sync.


    Jan 2017
  • Love U Family

    The filmmakers have spent money on sets, which is visible. But we wish they had also spent some on the film's writing. The continuity is patchy and the songs, including an English number, are cheesy and awkward.


    Jun 2017
  • Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai

    Choppy dubbing and lazy editing seal the movie’s fate. Almost two-and-a-half hours later when you’re defeated by a film that doesn’t seem to end, there’s a song so tacky, you feel you’ve had it. But does it end there? No...


    Mar 2017
  • Viraam

    With insipid performances, a very slow pace and a plot that you can smell miles away, Viraam is a film that could have been better if it avoided the cliched treatment that is often given to Hindi films.


    Dec 2017
  • Amavas

    While the effects are slick and the ghosts match up to international standards, they cannot save this film from turning into a painful two-hour-long watch.


    Feb 2019