An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.


Sukanya Verma

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  • Freaky Ali

    It’s entirely on the writers and actors to make the proceedings seem crucial or comic. What shows up on screen is plain lazy on their part and it's painfully dull to watch.


    Sep 2016
  • Akira

    Sonakshi moves, feels and looks the part that’s all but empty heft in a script so extraordinarily dated and bereft of punch.


    Sep 2016
  • Happy Bhag Jayegi

    ...when the actors flanking Happy are so talented and endearing to watch. If Happy Bhag Jayegi succeeds in delivering a few laughs, it's entirely to their credit.


    Aug 2016
  • Budhia Singh

    From fame to obscurity, hunger to heartbreak, Budhia’s story is both sensational and sad. But, most of all, it’s incomplete with no finishing line in sight.


    Aug 2016
  • Sultan

    ...despite the possibilities, writer-director Ali Abbas Zafar relies solely on its main star’s drawing power and offers nothing novel in terms of storytelling.


    Jul 2016
  • Housefull 3

    Ritesh Deshmukh can see. Abhishek Bachchan can talk. Akshay Kumar can walk. And I, somehow, survived Housefull 3. That, ladies and gentleman, is the real miracle.


    Jun 2016
  • Waiting

    Menon’s true triumph lies in how she doesn’t vilify a profession or its uncomfortable reality to gather empathy for her characters.


    May 2016
  • Dear Dad

    Though elegant composed and filled with warm possibilities, Dear Dad stays awfully impersonal communicating only from a distance to tread a tediously linear path.


    May 2016
  • Traffic

    ...doesn’t address its ethics or anything profound. It doesn’t aspire to be anything beyond a bumpy ride to half-hearted glory. And in that it is entirely successful.


    May 2016
  • Ki & Ka

    This is a recurring problem in Balki’s filmmaking. Certainly, he comes up with the most unique ideas, infuses them with a whimsical energy but in his eagerness to impress, he loses all subtlety.


    Apr 2016
  • Teraa Surroor

    If watching a 100-something minutes long music video starring a deadpan, poor man's Sunil Shetty strutting self-importantly in Salman's hand-me-down is your kind of entertainment, book your ticket RIGHT NOW.


    Mar 2016
  • Aligarh

    ...the portrayal Aligarh offers is refreshing and respectful. But it’s much too multifaceted, at times for its own good, to be acknowledged for just that.


    Feb 2016
  • Sanam Re

    In this schizophrenic rubbish -- for it’s certainly not a script, hardly a synopsis -- landscapes change faster than its cast’s wardrobe and characters suddenly appear or mysteriously vanish at the director’s whim.


    Feb 2016
  • Ghayal Once Again

    The action hero returns to serve some old fashioned justice in Ghayal Once Again as the still seething, still suffering Ajay Mehra like only he can. If also it could deliver the stamp of sharp, solid filmmaking like only the man who conceived Ajay Mehra can.


    Feb 2016
  • Saala Khadoos

    Between its many, many confused, underdeveloped, raucous ideas, hides the film Saala Khadoos set out to be. Too bad it never made it to the screen.


    Jan 2016
  • Chalk N Duster

    Mistaking intent for quality, Chalk N Duster’s greatest drawback is that it tries to take the high moral ground without substantiating its material or projecting the least bit of depth


    Jan 2016
  • Singh Is Bliing’s high on pedestrian humour where people shriek in pain after being knocked down by a car or coconut and absconding lions send humans in a tizzy.


    Oct 2015
  • Manjhi watchable purely because of this actor’s grasp of a willful, persevering personality recognised by his passion not poverty. It’s a distinction Nawaz duly delivers, if not the film.


    Aug 2015
  • Bahubali

    The first part of the epic leaves behind dollops of rip-roaring entertainment to relish till it’s back to finish what it started in perhaps even more jaw-dropping manner.


    Jul 2015