An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.


Swati Rohatgi

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  • Satya 2

    The entire script of the film is conviniently weaved and even the cinematography is as gimmicky as the idea behind the story. The shaky go-pro style camera work and the aerial views of Lokhandwala comprise the entire film.


    Nov 2013
  • Revolver Rani

    ...could well be one of the best films of the year, worthy of being lauded at every award function but sadly it ends up being a trite “Tarantino inspired” affair like many others.


    Apr 2014
  • Revolver Rani

    ...will work only with those who love to wishfully forget their brains at home while going for a film. For those seeking substance in cinema, Rascals will make you look like a rascal for having made the choice.


    Oct 2011
  • Rajjo

    Debutant filmmaker Vishwas Patil should really enroll into a filmmaking institute before attempting another movie for this one turns out to be an atrocious assault on the senses.


    Nov 2013
  • Race 2

    ...may not be as brillaint and unpredictable as its predecessor but if you ignore its flaws it definitely has all the ingrediants to make for a massy film.


    Jan 2013
  • Policegiri

    Making his Hindi movie debut K.S Ravikumar seems to be absconding from the film as Policegiri lacks any sense of 'direction'.


    Jul 2013
  • One By Two

    ...there’s ample beating around the bush throughout the film and by the time it reaches to its main point you are just pakaoed.


    Jan 2014
  • OMG Oh My God!

    ...despite the minor blemishes, OMG Oh My God, still is a delightful watch and should be shown especially to the blind followers of religion.


    Sep 2012
  • Murder 3

    The only murder in Murder 3 is that of its story and the patience of the audience. The film had the potential to be a taut thriller had it been handled by experienced hands.


    Feb 2013
  • Mod

    Ignoring the weak second half, Mod still can make for a pleasing watch only because of the scenic beauty and brilliant performances.


    Oct 2011