An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.



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  • What The Fish

    Unremarkable but not entirely avoidable, that’s how I’d describe this film which needed an unrelenting pace, deliberately over-the-top acting, sturdier characters and less minutes of running time to rev it up.


    Dec 2013
  • Krrish 3

    ...with all its blemishes, Krrish 3 still has a lot to offer: a loveable, beautiful-looking superhero, an intriguing female antagonist, hugely entertaining action sequences...


    Nov 2013
  • Shahid

    ...director Hansal Mehta has resisted the temptation to make a high-decibel potboiler, delivering instead a disconcertingly real and highly effective film.


    Oct 2013
  • Boss

    Too many recent solo-hero action-comedy flicks have suffered from this problem. They’ve even begun to resemble each other. Where does Rowdy Rathore end and Khiladi 786 begin? Where does Dabangg end and Ready begin?


    Oct 2013
  • The Lunchbox seemingly simple yet as complex as all human beings are. It’s sad yet throws up humour when you are least expecting it. It’s not larger than life, it’s just as large as life always is. This film is truly sensational.


    Sep 2013
  • Satyagraha

    There are places where Satyagraha is truly compelling, heart-wrenching and unpredictable, but too much of the time, it defies probability and is just too painful to the ears.


    Aug 2013
  • Ship Of Theseus

    That a story with such profound philosophical underpinnings could lead to a film so simple, so small, so unpretentious, so sweet and yet so endearing, so entertaining, so humorous and so intriguing would be inconceivable to most.


    Jul 2013
  • D-Day

    Why bother with common sense and logic when populism has been known to work magic at the box-office? Why bother even if it messes up an otherwise decent film?


    Jul 2013
  • Sixteen

    ...don’t go looking for a massive epic and what you’ll get is what it is: NOT a nostalgia ride harking back to your own youth, but a realistic slice of urban, upper-crust teenaged life as it is today.


    Jul 2013
  • Ghanchakkar

    ...after an impressive set-up, there are entertaining bits and pieces in the second half of the film, and the last couple of minutes of the climax are not bad at all, but it just doesn’t add up.


    Jun 2013