An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.


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  • Gold

    ...inconsistencies and the exhausting length weigh down Gold. But Reema ably pulls the loose threads together in the thrilling climactic match.


    Aug 2018
  • Karwaan

    If the story had more depth, these three could have worked magic. But Karwaan stays on the surface.


    Aug 2018
  • Dhadak

    Shashank is the successful maker of frothy romances. Here he steps out of his comfort zone but not enough to tackle head-on, the ugly truth of caste. The hurdles are more palatable and consequently, synthetic.


    Jul 2018
  • Race 3

    Remo fetishizes the cars, helicopters, looming towers, gilded rooms and bars where these characters hang out but he doesn’t extend the same love to the narrative. Storytelling is sacrificed at the altar of Superstar Salman Khan.


    Jun 2018
  • Parmanu

    Sharma unashamedly plays the patriotic card. Without apology, he yanks our heartstrings and evokes a rush of pride when the bombs finally explode. Larger questions about megaton killing machines go unasked. You might question the authenticity and plausibility of what you see in Parmanu but it does deliver on drama.


    May 2018
  • 102 Not Out

    Despite the flaws, the emotions connect. And if like me, you are of a certain vintage, you will get a nostalgic head-rush when you see Rishi Kapoor and Amitabh Bachchan in the same frame.


    May 2018
  • Daas Dev meant to be a study of power and what happens to those who lust for it. It’s a solid idea lost in execution.


    Apr 2018
  • Beyond The Clouds a mixed bag.  It is likely to be a footnote in Majidi’s rich filmography. But the film is worth seeing as an intriguing experiment.


    Apr 2018
  • Baaghi 2 an improvement on the generic Tiger action movie. At least the action is grounded in some emotion.


    Mar 2018
  • Hichki a genuinely earnest film made with heart. But it doesn’t take enough risks and consequently doesn’t touch a raw nerve in the way that Taare Zameen Par did. But it’s always nice to see a talented actress with all guns blazing.


    Mar 2018
  • Raid

    ...aims for a gritty realism but the characters are painted in broad strokes. Eventually the punch is predictable but after a few stumbles, it does land.


    Mar 2018
  • 3 Storeys

    ...this incoherent mess of a film plays out more like an extended skit or a school play.


    Feb 2018
  • Pad Man

    ...a superman without the cape, is a memorable character. Like the real Pad Man, Lakshmi is self-deprecating and very funny – especially in the climactic speech at the United Nations. I wish the film matched his sparkle.


    Feb 2018
  • Padmaavat

    I’m an admirer of Sanjay’s passion and rigour, of his operatic sensibility and his commitment to creating epics. He isn’t subtle but he always plays for broke. To steal a line from the poet Robert Browning – Sanjay’s reach always exceeds his grasp. That’s what a heaven’s for. This time he doesn’t quite get there.


    Jan 2018
  • Vodka Diaries

    ...a film so preposterous that within a few minutes I started to feel a little embarrassed for the actors on-screen.


    Jan 2018
  • Mukkabaaz also a scathing critique of corruption in Indian sport, of the caste system, which keeps worthy men in chains and of extremists who spread mayhem under the cloak of religion. It’s a love story and a sports underdog story, which in the second half transforms into a suspenseful revenge drama. It’s a lot to weave together and ultimately Mukkabaaz becomes as exhausting as it is energizing.


    Jan 2018
  • Kaalakaandi

    But the psychedelic, anything-goes vibe is hard to sustain and energy levels take a definite dip in the second half. I felt like Akshat has bunged in twists so he can wrap up the narrative strands.


    Jan 2018
  • Tiger Zinda Hai flat out exhausting. The story is much too long and convoluted. The frame is filled with characters but apart from Tiger, none of them make an impact. And for me, the weakest link is that there is nothing that moors you emotionally. 


    Dec 2017
  • Monsoon Shootout

    The scenario might be new but the set-up and visuals we’ve seen before – the mean streets of Mumbai, killers, cops, slumlords, brothels, blood.    


    Dec 2017
  • Ajji

    In some scenes, it feels like the director is almost reveling in your discomfort. The bleakness snuffs out the humanity of these characters. The ugliness is so unrelenting that you begin to ask, why am I subjecting myself to this.  


    Nov 2017
  • Ribbon

    The problem with Ribbon is that debutante director Rakhee Sandilya doesn’t provide any new insights.


    Nov 2017
  • Ittefaq

    The best thrillers are those that can stand up to scrutiny. In these films, when you go back, post-reveal, and question what you saw, the premise still holds. Ittefaq doesn’t manage that. But it has enough verve and smarts to keep you hooked.


    Nov 2017