An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.


Subhash K Jha

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  • Daddy

    See it for the austere unflinching portrayal of violence. For sounds and visuals that do not afford us the luxury of aesthetic gratification. And most of all, for Arjun Rampal's powerful performance that creeps up on us without warning.


    Sep 2017
  • Toilet

    Don't look for subtlety in the storytelling in 'Toilet: Ek Prem Katha' and you will come away a happy viewer with some relevant thoughts on how non-metropolitan India exists without caving into a depression.


    Aug 2017
  • Mirza Juuliet

    The loud colours, the flamboyant storytelling and characters who have no respect for the law of the land have all been seen before. This film is still fun to watch.


    Apr 2017
  • Anaarkali Of Aarah the surprise of the season. It is stunning in thought, spellbinding in plot and utterly gripping in the way the story of a small-town dancer-singer’s adventures in lecher-land unfolds.


    Mar 2017
  • Coffee With D like an unfinished unpolished version of what could have been a rollicking run-in into a ruminative session between Indian's biggest fugitive and loudest journalist. If only it had allowed more leg-space to lunge in the lap of the ludicrous.


    Jan 2017
  • Baar Baar Dekho

    It strings together scenes from a situation of marital calamity with an easygoing swagger that Ingmar Bergman would have found distracting.


    Sep 2016
  • Missing On A Weekend

    If you like dark intricate thrillers with over-saturated frames which poke savage fun at moneyed lifestyles, Missing On A Weekend with Pawan's wry act and Karan's persuasive victim-suspect masquerade could be your entertainer this weekend.


    Aug 2016
  • Dear Dad

    It takes a whole lot of guts to make a film on alternate sexuality in India, specially when you are a first-time director. Tanuj Bhramar has pushed the envelope out of the closet as far as possible. And then some more.


    May 2016
  • Sanam Teri Kasam

    ...moves forward with no lofty aspirations, except to tell a tale of star-crossed lovers with charm, simplicity and sincerity. It succeeds in doing that.


    Feb 2016
  • Chalk N Duster not great cinema by any stretch of the imagination. It is often crude and unapologetic in its melodramatic pitch. But its heart is in the right place.


    Jan 2016
  • Kajarya not quite the long-legged social statement that the film’s well-researched plot would suggest. But it has its heart in the right place.


    Dec 2015
  • Tamasha a film with ambitions of being mature and experienced. It creates an alternate reality for its principal characters and lets their emotions grow naturally to a point. But then the journey gets tiring for everyone concerned.


    Nov 2015
  • Jai Ho! Democracy

    ...the enormously accomplished actors struggle against the tedium of repetitive jokes about the banality of parliamentarian exchanges.


    Apr 2015
  • Barkhaa

    The story tends to veer dangerously close to the theatrical, specially after mid-point when the proceedings begin to veer absurdly close to the outrageous.


    Mar 2015
  • Badmashiyaan

    A well-intended sawach-aur-saaf-suthri comedy Badmaashiyaan is a curiously content-driven rom-com with one of the most consistently wicked female protagonists I've seen in recent cinema from Bollywood or Hollywood.


    Mar 2015