An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.


Vishal Verma

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  • Why Cheat India

    A revision on our morality meter, a cause of worry and concern regarding the prevailing criteria of ranking, marks grades and Emraan Hashmi’s nuanced brilliance...


    Jan 2019
  • Bombairiya

    ...Pia Sukanya is a welcome addition to the quirky list of Bollywood helmers who have a vision and the capacity to say something what they believe in.


    Jan 2019
  • Uri

    It’s not that mass hero action masala or the run of the mill revenge picture where a popular on screen gun – toting macho man is out for a purpose, here is a ‘real’ hero fighting ‘real’ enemies in ‘real’ territory, infusing ‘real’ feelings, a picture which can be shown to future generations on how India gave it back to Pakistan.


    Jan 2019
  • Simmba

    Delivering exactly what the entertainment hungry souls of Bollywood wants. Rohit Shetty has left no stone unturned to keep its target audience satisfied.


    Dec 2018
  • Zero

    The movie is a test of patience and demands great degree of suspension of disbelief. But like those dimples on that smiling face, Shah Rukh Khan as Bauua Singh leaves a lasting impression.


    Dec 2018
  • 2.0 a moment in Indian sci-fi genre that deserves a pat on everyone’s back, though Shankar’s story is basically in his ‘pet’ format, the movie has the finest VFX in Indian cinema till date.


    Nov 2018
  • Pihu a gut wrenchingly haunting and scary reminder in the age of smart phones, sleek wheels, social media and unknown neighbors that relationships and parenthood are not just photo sessions and get together moments.


    Nov 2018
  • Thugs Of Hindostan

    ...the generous audience who had made Amitabh Bachchan, Aamir Khan, Yash Raj films stand high due to their undying love will still make Thugs Of Hindostan earn money but this time with a cautious warning that audience cannot be taken for granted and a better understanding of quality when such big names are involved is the need of the hour.


    Nov 2018
  • Badhaai Ho a rib tickling family comedy that shoots down the traditional mundane mindset of love, age, romance, relationships and more..


    Oct 2018
  • FryDay a fun filling ride, the no brainer is the old vintage vada pav cooked with pleasure and wrapped in the 90’s foil that is harmless and pure fun.


    Oct 2018
  • Helicopter Eela

    ...doesn't entirely falls prey to directors intentions going wrong, the brilliance of Kajol and good support of Riddhi Sen with those above mentioned movements make 'Eela' rotate the wings of the 'helicopter' with a smile at least if not able to take the sky it desired.


    Oct 2018
  • Tumbbad

    ...opens the gate for true blue Indian horrors, stories with Indian ethos and folklore dipped in haunting resonance of fear within and outside with a humanitarian message.


    Oct 2018
  • Andhadhun not only Sriram Raghavan’s best work till date, it’s Bollywood’s best in the dark, noir thriller genre which is will be remembered as a cult classic in coming years


    Oct 2018
  • Sui Dhaaga

    ...has everything a feel good family movie should have, it’s an inspiring tale as well with moments but lacks the fresh breeze of air and individuality which Dum Laga Ke Haisha had – the common love for Kumar Sanu for example.


    Sep 2018
  • Batti Gul Meter Chalu

    There is an undercurrent of satire throughout as it begins with a comment on Vikas and Anand (growth and happiness). The movie is exceptionally performed by the main characters who power the cause of the film.


    Sep 2018
  • Manmarziyaan a love story not a rom com, its real, true, passionate and everlasting, Anurag Kashyap adds his intoxicatingly haunting, real and edgy mix to the bonbon of love Bollywood has been receiving since ages to tell a love story that will haunt for ages from now on. 


    Sep 2018
  • Love Sonia worth every minute of its run, its heart wrenching, disturbingly powerful adage on exploitation, greed, lust, machismo, prejudice that ends with that much needed dope of hope.


    Sep 2018
  • Gali Guleiyan

    The movie deserves attention not only for Manoj Bajpayee’s class act, this pointing, dark and intense psychological drama is disturbing but relevant which depicts the dark side of humans, the prejudice, the importance to be heard and listened in today’s times.


    Sep 2018