An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.



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  • The Sky Is Pink

    Despite the blatant manipulation, there are moments that left me with a heavy heart, and with a lump lodged in my throat. Still, watching a child’s life cut short should hurt like your heart’s being carved out of your flesh. The Sky is Pink never bruises you with that intensity.


    Oct 2019
  • Thappad

    It’s a hard subject to pull off, but Anubhav Sinha achieves it with first-rate storytelling. The best films inspire dialogue, they set you thinking; they can even lead to change. This one made me uncomfortable; it made me question myself and I think it will make you too. It’s essential viewing.


    Feb 2020
  • Tanhaji’ll appreciate the robust filmmaking, the visceral battle scenes, and a delicious performance by an actor who’s seldom got his due.


    Jan 2020
  • Super 30 a dramatized, ‘Bollywoodized’ version of a true story, complete with too many songs, caricaturish villains, a deafening background score that cues every emotion, and the kind of rousing dialogue intended to elicit cheers.


    Jul 2019
  • Student Of The Year 2 both predictable, and far from original. But that’s not even the big problem with the film. Unlike the previous instalment this one isn’t grounded in emotion, so it’s hard to be invested in the characters or affected by their conflicts.


    May 2019
  • Street Dancer 3D

    ...the problem with this franchise is that for some reason the makers think these films need to be about something more than the dancing. Something ‘important’, something ‘serious’. They couldn’t be more wrong.


    Jan 2020
  • Saaho

    The impressively staged but ultimately exhausting action sequences take up the bulk of screen time, but they can’t salvage this soulless film that has all the depth and emotional wallop of a video game.


    Aug 2019
  • Romeo Akbar Walter

    On the upside, RAW, fortunately, is not a particularly lengthy film and once the protagonist gets into enemy territory, the thriller elements do kick in. The second half picks up pace building on the intrigue and gives us a satisfying ending.


    Apr 2019
  • Radhe a collage of high-pitched songs and slow-motion shots that made us cringe even five years back. You need to have a high appetite for Khan’s antics to enjoy this one.


    May 2021
  • Pagglait

    Sandhya’s compassion – without the usual Indian cinema melodrama, tears and all of that — for her parents-in-law is heart-tugging that completely transforms the movie into something that is worth pondering over.


    Mar 2021
  • Marjaavaan

    I came away from Marjaavaan bored and exhausted. It’s literally a film with no perceivable merit, and one that begs two key questions: How did this film get made? And why are we being taken for a ride?


    Nov 2019
  • Malang

    There is both a love story and some good songs in his new thriller Malang. There are also, to be fair, some interesting ideas floating around. But those ideas never come together coherently; they’re lost in a film that is more interested in surface-level stuff.


    Feb 2020
  • Kalank ultimately tiring and heartbreaking even. You can see the talent on screen. If only there was a sharper script to harness it.


    Apr 2019
  • Kabir Singh an unmistakably misogynistic film, but the sad part is that it’s exactly these troubling portions that the filmmakers peddle as intense love. Even more sad is that there will be many who’ll buy into it.


    Jun 2019