An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.


The New Indian Express

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  • Simmba a decent enough commercial film when not angling for resonance — with some of the funnier lines really popping on screen — but its self-serious orations on the topical issue of rape make a parody of the whole situation.


    Dec 2018
  • Zero

    This film reimagines the all-consuming charisma of its leading man with a cool spin, but constantly cushions it in padding just in case he falls. The result is a middling vaudeville occasionally lifted by a clever line or a peak in the music score, pushing towards a trite and predictable climax that can be seen from space.


    Dec 2018
  • Kedarnath

    Abhishek Kapoor melds two difficult subjects — interfaith romance, natural calamity — while working within a moderate budget. The writing is clunky and the payoff unearned, and everything feels like a drag at the two-hour runtime. The execution hurts the most.


    Dec 2018
  • Bhaiaji Superhittt

    Films like Bhaiaji Superhit were once considered senseless fun. Today, they bear the shuddering foretaste of a zombie apocalypse, one where out-of-wind actors raise the undead of their past glories and come rushing towards the audience, desperate for one last bite.


    Nov 2018
  • Pihu

    The set-pieces are intriguingly imagined, but they mesh oddly, and entire sequences, like unmatched pieces of Lego, refuse to fit into each other. 


    Nov 2018
  • Tumbbad

    It is not easy for a subversive horror film to trim away its genre tentacles and still land an 800-screen release. Tumbbad has pulled off a rare trade-off, but its authenticity has taken some beating. It is the closest we have come to breaking new ground, but is it really the way forward?


    Oct 2018
  • Jalebi

    Filled with laughable coincidences, a penchant for melodrama, and an unnecessary romanticisation of love and heartbreak, Jalebi fails to make any sort of impression on you.


    Oct 2018
  • Pataakha

    ...has enough combustion to light up a night sky, but it fizzles out like a moist rocket. The crackers, like they say, needed more sunning.


    Sep 2018
  • Manto

    It makes brave pronouncements on artistic freedom, religious violence and abject nationalism without losing sight of its investigative rigour— the film illustrates; it does not preach. Such mindfulness is often absent in our cinema, a medium so susceptible to rage, but Manto stands apart as a poignant exception.


    Sep 2018
  • Stree

    The subtext is heavy, but not heavy-handed. The film swings intently between humour and exposition: there’s depth to be explored, but also fun to be had.


    Aug 2018
  • Mulk the sort of film that sheds light on all that is wrong with India. It can only be hoped that a dramatisation of real events makes people sit up and think about altering attitudes and doing away with prejudices that are governed by fear and a lack of basic understanding.


    Aug 2018
  • Soorma

    Here is one of the best stories celebrating will, talent and love for the game. But did you do it against Pakistan? No? Please close the door on your way out. Next candidate please.


    Jul 2018
  • Sanju

    While the subject is starkly different, Hirani's sticks to the treatment that comes naturally to him. This is a film that is intensely Bollywood and in love with the industry, the approach is a strange concoction of melodrama, parody and comedy.


    Jun 2018
  • Daas Dev

    Sudhir Mishra’s latest film has a title that wants to scream at you its creativity — or lack thereof — but ends up with an indiscernible, squeaked out nonsense.


    Apr 2018
  • Dil Juunglee

    At every turn, Dil Juunglee (written by Tonoya Sen Sharma and Shiv Singh) teases you that now it will change into some other film, but it is relentless in its mission to disappoint.


    Mar 2018