An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.


The Times of India

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  • Delhi Safari

    With satire, spoof, humour and wit, director, Nikhil Advani has highlighted the ongoing aadmi v/s animal battle, the desperate need for preservation of wildlife and the downside of deforestation.


    Oct 2012
  • Makkhi

    Though the plot is for the most-part predictable, Makkhi still offers situations that are truly gleeful to the young and the old alike.


    Oct 2012
  • In the Name of Tai

    Thengdi terribly loses the plot, especially in the first half. The story goes haywire with random characters making substantial appearances. Scenes begin and end abruptly, thus looking disjointed.


    Oct 2012
  • English Vinglish

    Easily one of the best films on 2012;is tale of women empowerment actually it is bound to empower every viewer because it strikes a chord, right from the start to the end titles.


    Oct 2012
  • OMG Oh My God!

    ...conveys a serious message this festive season - God is to be found in human beings. And, rather like Hindi films of an earlier age, it does so in a light and unusual way.


    Sep 2012
  • Heroine

    ...the saving grace of the film is Kareena who not only looks drop-dead gorgeous but is also adept as the girl interrupted.


    Sep 2012
  • Overtime

    Forget better late than never. Sometimes it's better never than late. That's precisely the case with this Bollywood film which should have never made it to the screens.


    Aug 2012