An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.


The Times of India

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  • Bhoot And Friends

    Why must our desi story tellers and film makers treat children's films as a neglected step child, a poor cousin that can be passed off as popular entertainment, despite an abysmal lack of the fun element?


    Dec 2010
  • Isi Life Mein

    ...the film unfolds as one long play rehearsal and doesn't seem to move forward after a point. The relationship between the big city boy and the small town girl is confined to an exchange of smiles and smiles and some more smiles: too many cold exchanges between the two debutants.


    Dec 2010
  • Toonpur Ka Superrhero

    Generously sprinkled with easily identifiable characters and a story that reiterates the need for families to bond and good to prevail over evil -- sweet, simple, succinct kiddy themes...


    Dec 2010
  • Kaalo

    ...the horror exists only as long as Kaalo stays out of the frame as an ominous presence in the backdrop. Once the apparition flies into the frame, the fear ironically flees because Kaalo seems to be having a bad make-up day.


    Dec 2010
  • Mirch

    Even as the women seem to be enjoying themselves with their unbridled expression of their sexual needs, the film tends to view them as the traditional not-to-be-trusted temptress. Overlook that and you can enter a world where women indeed are full-bodied flesh and blood characters.


    Dec 2010
  • Guzaarish

    A film like Guzaarish isn't made for the box office. It's made for the gratification of the senses. And that it does, in ample measure.


    Nov 2010
  • Nakshatra

    ...a bit of romance juggled with a bit of action here to create a run-of-the-mill thriller which takes so much time to rev up, it leaves you restless.


    Oct 2010