An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.



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  • Happy Ending

    An urban romcom that tries to get a grapple on love. It is charming in its own way, but ultimately ends up having very little more than a regular romedy, as it likes to call itself.


    Nov 2014
  • Happy New Year a little more than what you'd expect. A tiny surprise that gives you more of the same, but with some structure - even if it tries do a lot in one go and all of it is predictable.


    Oct 2014
  • Finding Fanny

    The much promised eccentricity doesn't live throughout and you slowly lose interest in characters in this character-centric film. Yet worth a watch for the performances even if some are caricatures.


    Sep 2014
  • Katiyabaaz

    Insightful, scathing and even a tad bit depressing at times, the film is crisp and thoroughly entertaining, but with also a rather pertinent point to it all.


    Sep 2014
  • Kick as typical a Salman Khan film as it gets, plus a tad bit of a story, a tad bit of an attempt at keeping things sorted, a tad bit of an attempt at acting more than usual by Salman Khan.


    Jul 2014
  • Ek Villain

    A revenge saga that works so hard in trying to make you feel for the characters that it fails and you are left gaping at the screen in bewilderment for over two hours.


    Jun 2014
  • Humshakals

    It is insensitive at multiple levels, yet it is borderline "not as bad as I thought". And then of course, it goes into one bad sub-plot after another till you are sick and tired of it all.


    Jun 2014
  • Fugly

    Yet another, "let's fight the system" film. This one takes on way too much and takes way too much time to express itself too.


    Jun 2014
  • Filmistaan

    The first half of Filmistaan makes you want to recommend it to everyone around. The second half, though not boring, becomes cliché-ridden.


    Jun 2014