An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.


Subhash K Jha

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  • Agneepath

    Every component of Malhotra's jagged drama falls into place, with a resounding thump. Agneepath is brilliant in its brutality. It's a riveting and hectic homage to the spirit of the cinema in the 1970s when revenge reigned supreme. And content was King.


    Jan 2012
  • Rockstar

    ...a spellbinding courageous coming-of-rage saga woven into a tantalizing tapestry of memory and angst and driven forward with demoniacal fury by Ranbir Kapoor's centrally-heated performance.


    Nov 2011
  • Ra.One

    ...proves to be that turning point in the super-hero genre that Hindi cinema had been waiting for ever since Amitabh Bachchan donned the cape and leather trousers to play Toofan for Manmohan Desai.


    Oct 2011
  • Mod like a gente sonnet played on a cosy winter morning. It is the tenderest love story in ages with a central performance by Takia that strikes a chord deep in your heart.


    Oct 2011
  • Force

    ...a full-on action film with balls brawn and brains. It's the kind of virile cinema where action speaks louder than words.


    Oct 2011
  • Ready

    ...this is a mindless comedy. The quality of the gags is often higher than what we usually get in Bollywood comedies. But the film suffers from an overloaded narration. There is too much effort to cram in "entertainment" at every possible level.


    Jun 2011
  • Kashmakash

    What redeems Kashmakash and finally makes it worth a lingering dekko is the warmth and romance that Rituprano Ghosh brings to his celluloid adapatation.


    May 2011
  • Ragini MMS

    This is a film whose integrity towards the genre works against it.As you watch the supernatural terror unfold in what looks like reams and reams of repugnant realism you are shaken to the core.


    May 2011
  • Stanley Ka Dabba

    ...a wicked and poignant journey into the heart and soul of a child. At once clever and artless it effortlessly takes cinema about child psychology out of the box. The tiffin box.

    May 2011