An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.


Taran Adarsh

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  • Prince

    ...has a terrific first half, where technique and content go hand in hand, but technique overpowers the content in its post-interval portions.


    Apr 2010
  • Pankh

    Precious raw stock, precious time and precious resources are being utilised to create movies which are so weird that only its creator would know what he's actually trying to say. PANKH is one of those films, which, frankly, makes no sense.


    Apr 2010
  • Tum Milo Toh Sahi

    Director Kabeer Kaushik was entrusted with a great idea, but his team of writers blew it up into smithereens. The impact generated by a few worthy of note sequences gets evaporated as the film reaches its culmination, primarily because the writing doesn't hold.


    Mar 2010
  • Love Sex Aur Dhokha

    ...original, innovative and ground-breaking cinema, which will shock and provoke you. The film is definitely not for the faint-hearted or those who swear by stereotypical fares, but for those who yearn for a change.


    Mar 2010
  • Karthik Calling Karthik

    Debutante director Vijay Lalwani knows his job well, but he's letdown by his own writing. The second hour not only looks stretched, but the pace also gets excruciatingly slow at this juncture. The climax, as mentioned earlier, is a complete downer.


    Feb 2010
  • Toh Baat Pakki not as invigorating as one expects it to be. The film has some wonderful moments, some old-world charm, but the humour, at several points, falls flat. Especially towards the penultimate portions.


    Feb 2010
  • Click

    Sangeeth Sivan succeeds in keeping you engrossed for most parts, but he could've done with a few horror techniques to scare the audiences.


    Feb 2010
  • My Name is Khan

    ...a fascinating love story, has an angle of religion and a world-shaking incident as a backdrop. It not only entertains, but also mesmerises, enthrals and captivates the viewer in those 2.40 hours.


    Feb 2010
  • Striker

    ...the multiple tracks and layers in the film act as a spoilsport. The screenplay is patchy and the focus shifts from one episode to another constantly.


    Feb 2010
  • Ishqiya

    The film has a riveting plot, great performances, soulful music, an absorbing story and skilful direction to make the viewer fall in ishq with it.


    Jan 2010
  • Rann

    is about a warrior and at the same time, it's a love story too. Sadly, neither does it evoke any patriotism, nor does the love story make your heart go dhak-dhak.


    Jan 2010