Thanks Maa
Critic reviews and ratings
...is a film that will make you cry and laugh, even as it fills you with admiration and warmth for the next decrepit kid you see on the red light, running nose et al.
...a tender yet ruthless look-see at a city that claims to have a place for everyone but somehow neglects looking after children who are vulnerable to every form of attack on the streets.
...is truly original, innovative and pioneering cinema.
The film works largely for the amount of authenticity that director Irfan Kamal imparts to every frame of the film.
Those addicted to fairy tales and brightly lit frames may find Thanks Maa a demanding watch. It’s hard-hitting, real, raw. Go for it only if you have a strong stomach. On the other hand, since this is the reality we live with every day, we better develop a strong stomach. Don’t miss it.
This is a film hard to watch, but it is a film that needs to be watched.
...a brave effort, which deserves your support. Go see it for the street kids, the ones we avoid all day long.
...is worth watching for Shams’ incredibly mature and touching performance.
...you can sense a filmmaker’s forced efforts to provoke.
...is heart felt and ambitious but its too long and too contrived to work.
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