An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.


India Today

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  • Purani Jeans

    Director Tanushri Chattrji Bassu packs in the choicest cliches that you have seen earlier in hajaar Hindi films in her debut directorial. Her story is run-of-the-mill and her characters half-baked and situations Xeroxed from previous Hindi films.


    May 2014
  • Kaanchi

    ...throughout this unending saga it's pretty clear that she is a rebel without a cause. That's just one of the many problems with Ghai's heroine-centric film.


    Apr 2014
  • Jal

    The film has too many threads and then you are left with a feeling of it going nowhere, almost like miles of dessert area in the films which leads to no oasis.


    Apr 2014
  • Lakshmi

    It's one thing to show torture on screen to make viewers cringe at the violence. It's quite another if viewers feel like they have seen a film which is filled with unforgivably cringeworthy moments.


    Mar 2014
  • Gulaab Gang

    It doesn't take long to realise that Gulaab Gang has adopted a familiar route. A wrong is committed. There's the search for justice. It is achieved with fierce fighting. And then there's a song to celebrate the good times.


    Mar 2014