An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.



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  • Dishoom

    The audience sits through the cacophony hoping for a genuine knockout blow to be delivered somewhere down the line. It never materialises. Dishoom doesn't land a single half-decent punch.


    Jul 2016
  • Madaari

    ... makes the right noises about the state of the nation and its people owing to the machinations of avaricious and insensitive politicians and crony contractors. However, the methods that the film uses in order to do so are rather fanciful, if not outright harebrained.


    Jul 2016
  • Sultan a case of a superstar vehicle latching on to the current trend of sports films but failing to achieve the requisite grounding in the rough and tumble of the wrestling pits to evolve into a convincing drama.


    Jul 2016
  • Junooniyat

    It isn’t that the pursuit of cloying sentimentality does not sometimes yield pleasantly surprising results. But don’t expect any such miracle from Junooniyat.


    Jun 2016
  • Dhanak

    Kukunoor enhances the magic of the parable by throwing in delightfully quirky encounters that veer into the heart of fairy-tale terrain without ever losing a sense of reality.


    Jun 2016
  • TE3N

    The slow-burning drama about crime, tragedy, guilt and retribution has the potential to repay the patience of those that don’t switch off their brains when watching a film.


    Jun 2016
  • Veerappan

    ...does not shy away from making a great deal of noise, but the film is more akin to soggy gelatin sticks delivering a damp squib than a big explosive device triggering an earth-shattering bang.


    May 2016
  • Waiting

    An understated and superbly acted film about loss, grief and the human need to cling on to the physical presence of loved ones, Anu Menon's Waiting is at once heart-wrenching and uplifting.


    May 2016
  • Sarbjit a film trapped in no man's land. Based on a newsy real-life story, it takes cavalier liberties with reality. The result is a disappointment of monumental proportions.


    May 2016
  • Fan for the most part because it has the fabulous SRK act as a 'young' star-struck boy. His energetic performance is worth the price of the ticket - if not more.


    Apr 2016
  • Zubaan

    ...stretches itself too thin at times in trying to raise its narrative tempo. In its quieter moments, however, it does manage to get its voice heard.


    Mar 2016