An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.



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  • Phoonk 2

    ...doesn’t scare you out of your pantaloons. It merely employs some select words in the dialogue that could send you over the moon. Swoon.


    Apr 2010
  • Prince

    ...get into the groove to enjoy the expected ridiculousness, and Prince for most of its running time doesn’t disappoint.


    Apr 2010
  • The Japanese Wife

    It stays with you. Although the tempo is excruciatingly slow and the screenplay repeats lines of dialogue as if they had been written by a squawking parrot, the result is limned with that near-extinct quality in cinema – humaneness.


    Apr 2010
  • Lahore

    ...this Indo-Pak treatise may have been wah-wahed at film festivals, but all said and seen just about makes it to a notch above the average.


    Mar 2010
  • My Name is Khan

    At the end of 18 reels, you do carry something precious home – SRK and Kajol. They are absolutely electric. Undoubtely, they don’t make’em like that anymore. And never will, which is why MNIK is absolutely compulsory viewing. You may have problems with it. Yet it is a must-must-see.


    Feb 2010
  • Ishqiya

    ...a charming, enticing flick that commits the mistake of biting a little more than what it could actually chew. In the process, Ishqiya, like its lead protagonists, digs up its own grave!


    Jan 2010
  • Veer

    The director does have a signature of sorts (hyper-commercial with a penchant for kitschy sets and sweeping outdoor locales). Here that is wasted on a period piece that has little else to hold it together but Salman Khan’s physique and hair extensions.


    Jan 2010
  • Dulha Mil Gaya

    Now when I think back about Dulha Mil Gaya, 12-odd hours after having watched it, I think the same film, had it been released in early 2000, just might have worked with the family audience. But now?


    Jan 2010
  • 3 Idiots

    ...the thread of laughter is strong and glowing, but sadly is the movie’s only saving grace because for most part it is absolutely clueless what to do with its soul.


    Dec 2009