An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.


Kaveree Bamzai

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  • Ready

    The film is pretty much a showcase for what Salman Khan does best-which is fight, dance, charm the girls, and laugh lazily at everyone. An assortment of ugly relatives, even uglier villains and a plot that makes no sense at all. None of it matters.


    Jun 2011
  • Ragini MMS

    Surely the film will have an audience among those young enough to be scared by the chills and desperate enough to find the sex titillating.But I guess I just wasn't scared enough.


    May 2011
  • Stanley Ka Dabba

    Some movies leave you gobsmacked with their sweetness. Others silence you with their spareness. Can a movie do both? Sometimes. Stanley ka Dabba is one of those times.


    May 2011
  • Luv Ka The End

    Between a boy whose pout is better than the girl's and a girl who tries hard to be Dirty Harry, this is a movie that is to be avoided. At. All. Costs.


    May 2011
  • Game

    Abhinay Deo, the king of the ad world, makes a tepid entry into the world of cinema. He gets bogged down with making each shot look pretty and perfect, the attention to the smallest details hinder rather than enhance the plot, and yet there are gaping holes in accuracy.

    Mar 2011
  • Yeh Saali Zindagi like a blueberry cheesecake. A delightful little trifle that works because the actors don't think they are auditioning for a consumer ad or a fashion glossy photo shoot.


    Feb 2011