An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.


Rachit Gupta

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  • Parmanu

    What ‘Parmanu’ lacks in detail and authenticity, it makes up with emotions and a sense of national pride. The narrative isn’t explosive but it does have the dramatic moments to keep the viewer engaged.


    May 2018
  • Parched a film where women rise above the exploitation and the misogyny to live life on their own terms. The erotic nature of their conversations and their ability to retain their spirit through all adversity makes this film a true blue winner.


    Sep 2016
  • Paathshaala

    If this film were Ukey's assignment and the producers were teachers, upon review, they should've remarked in red, 'redo'. At least I would.


    Apr 2010
  • One Night Stand

    a very competent film. It's commercial packaging does create a bit of contrast to its relevantly real themes. But that's not really a bad thing.

    May 2016
  • One By Two

    They used to serve a bowl of soup, one by two. Now they serve a bowl of cinematic goulash in the same portion. It’s inedible but nonetheless it’s being served at a multiplex near you.


    Jan 2014
  • Notebook an easy watch where you can appreciate the humour, drama and romance. But the film leaves you wanting for more. Perhaps with more creativity in writing, this young romantic saga could have achieved more.


    Mar 2019
  • NH10

    ...Navdeep Singh's treatment of the film is slick. The visuals are appropriately dark and murky. The sense of gloom prevails throughout. It sets the right mood. But when it comes to the final act, he drops the ball.


    Mar 2015
  • Neerja

    That Neerja, the film, takes that stance makes all the difference in cinematic quality. You can see a lot of thought and effort was put into crafting this film.


    Feb 2016
  • Mukkabaaz not your average sports film or love story. This one’s a funny, intense, dramatic and thrilling ride. It makes you laugh, cry and nervous in equal measure. It’s a great way to start the year.


    Jan 2018
  • Mom quite literally a thrill-a-minute ride. Its scenes are powerful and the best part is, the effort put in by the actors. Director Ravi Udyawar crafts an intense, taut and gratifying thriller.


    Jul 2017
  • Mohenjo Daro

    With its story and characters crumbling under its cinematic ambition, the only thing that makes Mohenjo Daro a sweeping cinematic experience is its visuals.


    Aug 2016
  • Mirzya

    You need to deal with its overtly artistic nature with a pinch of salt. But if you have the appetite for a tragic and epic love saga, the luscious visual imagery of Mirzya will give you plenty of food for thought.


    Oct 2016
  • Mirza Juuliet the millionth time Hindi films have tried to cash in on the Shakespearean tragedy. Sadly, the charm of the concept hasn’t just worn off, it’s dead.


    Apr 2017
  • Meri Pyaari Bindu

    The seamless mix of comedy, romance and drama is fantastic too. At two hours, the film feels like an absolute breeze. Meri Pyaari Bindu hits a lot of ticks on the check boxes. And that is the strength of this refreshing new romance.


    May 2017
  • Mastizaade

    The problem with a film like Mastizaade is not that it's overloaded with sex. The problem is that the sexual content isn't just regressive it's plain stupid.


    Jan 2016