An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.



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  • Agent Vinod brilliant in bits, and incredibly asinine in others. It’s probably the most inconsistently good film I’ve watched lately, and a massive letdown. Which is a pity. It could have made for a rare, looked-forward-to franchise.


    Mar 2012
  • Action Jackson

    If watching stylish action scenes and listening to songs that sound like a mix tape you rejected in the 90's gets you amped up, then Action Jackson is the ticket to buy.


    Dec 2014
  • Aalaap not without its flaws, but it’s terribly engaging. It’s not all fun, watch it for some fast-paced, action-packed chase sequences and topical relevance.


    Oct 2010
  • 332 Mumbai To India

    The subject of 332 Mumbai to India had a lot of potential, but the drab screenplay ruins the film. What's left of the potential is quickly buried by the unimaginative narrative and dialogues.


    Dec 2010
  • 3 Idiots

    ...has one of the most relevant issues of Indian society at its core, a heartwarming story woven around it and a narrative that takes you through the film effortlessly, leaving you happy, moved, and thoughtful in the end.


    Dec 2009
  • 2.0

    ...Shankar’s story is pedestrian, plebeian and even plain puerile. But the visuals and sounds are compelling enough to keep you mesmerised at least for a bit.


    Nov 2018
  • 2 States

    The best thing about Two States is that it is fresh -- in the casting, the approach, and the language. It's the kind of romcom that makes you go 'hmmm' rather than 'awwww.'


    Apr 2014
  • 102 Not Out

    ...the main reason to watch this film is the fact that it brings together two of Indian cinema’s finest talents — Amitabh and Rishi — after a gap of 27 years.


    May 2018
  • Toh Baat Pakki not as invigorating as one expects it to be. The film has some wonderful moments, some old-world charm, but the humour, at several points, falls flat.


    Feb 2010