Sep 2017
Oct 2010
Even by the pitiable cinematic standards that the director has so defiantly set for himself, Humshakals is the very pits. It scrapes the bottom of a barrel that seems to have no bottom at all.
Jun 2014
Tera Intezaar
You might ask: why does this film deserve even half a star? Well, it is for whoever it is who dared to believe that Tera Intezaar could be passed off as cinema. Takes loads of guts or a whole lot of stupidity!
Dec 2017
Aao Wish Karein
All I asked for was a passably decent film but Aao Wish Karein couldn't even manage that. Steer Clear.
Nov 2009
Mr Joe B. Carvalho
The film tries very, very hard to be smart. All it manages to be is downright silly.
Jan 2014
Action Jackson
The film proffers the worst of everything – obnoxious characters, mindless situations, juvenile action sequences, raucous music, bizarre dance routines and pathetically cheap gags – with nary a sign of any redeeming feature that could lessen the blow.
Dec 2014
Chatur Singh Two Star
This is a film that proffers madness without the slightest semblance of method. It's just as well that there are two stars in its title. It doesn't deserve any.
Aug 2011