An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.



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  • Dangal the kind of sports film that usually eludes Bollywood. It knows the rules inside and out and meticulously plays by them without ever succumbing to dreary predictability.


    Dec 2016
  • Pad Man a genuinely strong movie, telling an unlikely story in likeable fashion and doing it briskly and smartly.


    Feb 2018
  • No Fathers In Kashmir

    ...places the various facets of the unrest on the table and does not overplay its hand. The impact of the quality writing, the steady cinematography and the sharp editing is enhanced significantly by a cast of actors who strike the right notes all the way.


    Apr 2019
  • Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar

    ...isn't a fast-paced drama designed for easy comprehension and cheap thrills. It demands that you abandon the lexicon you usually employ to decipher a genre film and embrace the joy of responding to unusual, often cryptic modes.


    Mar 2021
  • Trapped

    The film is compelling but it could have been more cleverly plotted, though, having said that, I wonder if that would have gotten in the way of how audiences relate to the everyman aspect of the horror.


    Mar 2017
  • AK vs AK a wild, wacky shot in the dark. It could have been a disaster had the brains behind it did not know what they were up against. That certainly isn't the case. The film's self-awareness borders on the staggering.


    Dec 2020