No Fathers In Kashmir
Critic reviews and ratings
The story poignantly sums up the day-to-day struggles of life in the Kashmir valley, especially of those whose sons, husbands and fathers have disappeared.
This film is not a light watch – it’s a poignant tale that leaves you thinking about the half-widows and half-orphans, and many such untold stories.
...places the various facets of the unrest on the table and does not overplay its hand. The impact of the quality writing, the steady cinematography and the sharp editing is enhanced significantly by a cast of actors who strike the right notes all the way.
...leaves you thinking of the thousands of disappeared fathers, sons and brothers long after you leave the theatre. And the fact that it is a reality that Kashmir battles every living hour.
A film well made. A story that is as heartbreaking as it is hopeful. An attempt at a balanced view, even if not completely successful.
...could have been intensely hard-hitting & disturbing drama throughout but in any case the last 20+ odd minutes sees the movie transcending deficiencies through the sheer strength of its subject material.
...isn't without loopholes. But you are willing to let them pass because the film makes a brave point - no one deserves to be woken up in the midst of the night by the resounding noise of bullets. Can this be rectified? The film makes an earnest plea, urging us to do our best.
Director Kumar manages to infuse a matter-of-fact manner in interpreting the grave issues covered. While he deliberately singles out religious fanatics from militants who consider themselves patriots, the delicate handling of the subject-matter retains the gravity of the issue, without being too overwhelming.
The film presents a ‘controversial’ viewpoint on the Kashmir issue. Apart from this, the two youngsters — Zara and Shivam — are lovely. Give them a chance.
Editors Thomas Goldser, Abhro Banerjee and Kumar keep the film moving at a clip that accentuates the writer-director sometimes stunning, sometimes stressful and all together sobering view of a situation that he seasons with hope.
The film is an elegy to not only the lost beauty of Kashmir, but also to its way of life, as also the loss of innocence of its children.
For a fictionalised feature to shine a light on the most contentious aspects of Kashmir's tragedy - from hypocritical fundamentalists to half widows and mass graves - takes immense guts irrespective of which political party is in power at the Centre.
The best thing about Kumar’s film is that the problems it outlines feel urgent, even if we’ve seen them before, especially and quite co-incidentally in the sudden spurt of films set in the valley which have released in the past few months.
Kumar comes with a solid background in documentary filmmaking and has sound grounding in the politics of the State (Inshallah, Football and Inshallah, Kashmir), the reason one would have expected a far more searing and incisive account in the film than what one eventually gets to watch.
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