An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.


Deccan Chronicle

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  • Phillauri a perfect watch this weekend which makes you laugh and cry, also redefining romance on celluloid. The film has a great blend of emotions and believability at the right place, though the pace of the film is slightly slow in the first half which might bore the audience.


    Mar 2017
  • Masaan

    Many films, mainstream and not so mainstream touch upon issues, but seldom do we see a film that is so tender and yet so overpowering.


    Jul 2015
  • Manto

    ...Nandita brings out the best storyline, screenplay as well as performances from each of her actors. And of course, Nawazuddin makes the film a worth watch with Tahir and Rasika also giving their best to their respective roles.


    Sep 2018
  • Indu Sarkar

    If you are not a hyper-nationalist or an ardent fan of pressure groups, if you cannot tolerate apartheid in the name of politics, regardless of which party you support, this Madhur Bhandarkar scrapbook straight from the 1970s is for you.


    Jul 2017
  • Mulk

    ...when mainstream Bollywood begins to get it right, when it finds the strength to articulate what’s right and wrong in a way that sits with audiences for a long time, there is hope.


    Aug 2018
  • Hamid powerful, questioning, emotional, disturbing and one of its kind. The satisfying performance of both Rasika Dugal and Talha Arshad Reshi is worth noticing.


    Mar 2019
  • Uri a solid action/political thriller and one that has a lot of great moments with Dhar showing mastery in storytelling, control in creating intensity and a great performance from the lead, Vicky Kaushal.


    Jan 2019
  • Chittagong

    Defying movie bazaar norms, Chittagong co-written and directed by the NASA scientist Bedabrata Pain, is an example of technical style yoked to solid content.


    Oct 2012
  • Bala

    It is sometimes crude, sometimes predictable, but the film has a likable cast and delivers some poignant messages about self-love, acceptance, companionship and of course, bald is beautiful.


    Nov 2019
  • Talvar

    What we get is a story that keeps you engaged even though there is hardly any detail that you already don’t know of if you have closely followed the case.


    Oct 2015
  • Ajji bold in its decisions of what it shows and what it doesn’t. It’s sensitive and yet determined to make us see, imagine, join the dots.   It’s not interested in making us comfortable, help us tide over all that’s unpleasant, violent, vile.


    Nov 2017