Student Of The Year
Critic reviews and ratings
...is amongst Karan Johar's most accomplished works.
You may not like this movie if bubble-gum romances, picture-perfect worlds and candy-floss clouds are not your idea of a movie-going experience.
Unpretentiousness is the key. Karan Johar serves a candy floss package which leaves a sweet aftertaste.
...through constant influx of escapism and pomp with magnificently choreographed songs, razzle dazzle of colours/style/design, appropriate dosage of humour and ritzy production values that distracts one from Student of the Year's brash celebration of superficiality and obvious lack of depth.
This is escapism at its best.
...a fun, frothy film that won't insult your intelligence and sensibility.
The key lies in Karan's storytelling. For all its pulp packaging, SOTY doesn't have a single dull moment.
If fun is what you’re seeking, you won't be disappointed.
...is light and fluffy, yet full of substance.
Karan Johar's forte is excess. He creates fantastical worlds brimming with beautiful people and expensive things and yet anchors them in high emotion. His films work as both designer porn and soap opera. The pleasure you derive from his films is directly connected to your tolerance of candy floss.
...if you are game to accept St. Teresa as a new version of St. Xavier’s that Karan created 14 years ago, it is not a bad ride.
...is all fluff sans much stuff. Watch it if you are a big fan of frothy, glossy romance.
...if you like your entertainment to be served up with glitzy but pulpy garnishing, pirouette your way to the nearest screen by all means.
...is a predictable teeny bopper which may entice the young hearts. For the ones looking for even a hint of realism, this isn’t the film for you.
The characters of 'Student of The Year' lack the emotional depth that made you fanatically root for KKHH's Anjali. But traces of that magic remain in the Hogwarts of Johar's imagination.
Karan Johar’s direction is commendable, as always. Yet it fails to bring anything new to the movie. The entire film has K Jo’s trademarks which makes it more or less like a combination of all his previous films.
I don't suppose Student of the Year will end up as film of the year, but Karan Johar is definitely in the running for a permanent Mr Bollywood title.
I don't know why, but I get this strange feeling that the director was not fully involved or attached to SOTY. The mark of intensity that one has seen in his past films is missing. It's like a grand wedding reception with a poor food spread.
...picks of several themes of love, friendship, parenting, unhealthy competition in society. But it does no justice to even one of them.
If this is 'Ishq wala love’, I ask, where is the 'film waali film', the 'KJo waali’ film? This is all show, so very little tell.
...is not as entertaining as it is aspirational for teenagers. Its fake world is not convincing.
An erratic narrative, superficial explorations of character motivations and a very representative love story reduces what could otherwise have been a lasting and enjoyable teen flick we could have truly cared for.
The first half drags with its silly flashback songs; the second is slightly more purposeful. As Karan Johar films go, this film entertains but only just. Period.
Depth … now if only Student of the Year had more of that. No aspect of the film seems fully explored. Nothing in the story feels particularly new.
How can such a lively premise result in such dullness? The blame may lie with characters who are as clichéd as they come.
...is a debutantes’ ball which prolongs the inevitable and where there is little fun to be had.
What I dislike most about 'Student of the Year' - and there are many things I dislike – is that it endorses teens behaving like they’re in their twenties.
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