An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.



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  • Bank Chor

    Even a substandard or cliched basic plotline could have been sidestepped were only the gags smart enough, or, at least, that there were enough of them. This one spends too much time not going for the laughs. It starts off being about blank chors, and ends up a bank bore.


    Jun 2017
  • M.S. Dhoni

    Instead of delving into the complexities of an international sporting career with its share of controversy, the patchy script glosses over the grey areas and concentrates squarely on lionizing Dhoni as a model sportsman.


    Sep 2016
  • Veere Di Wedding

    ...if you are not looking for radical departures from norm and are happy watching a film that seeks to blur gender expectations without shaking the boat too much, Veere di Wedding could pass muster. Does it give you your money's worth? It does. Does it break new ground? Fat chance.


    Jun 2018
  • Mohalla Assi

    Had the immense potential of the literary text that forms the foundation of Mohalla Assi been even half realized, this would have been powerful indictment of the pernicious brand of politics that thrives on communal hatred and socio-religious divisions.


    Nov 2018
  • Tum Milo Toh Sahi

    ...the attempt here was a bitter-sweet love letter to Mumbai and its people but the film is fatally undone by the clumsy writing. The screenplay is static and the dialogue, superbly low IQ.


    Apr 2010
  • Ek Villain

    The biggest of the villains in Mohit Suri’s Ek Villain is the screenplay itself. It is as muddled as a serial killer’s twisted mind and just as destructive.


    Jun 2014
  • Roohi

    It delivers a reasonably passable first half - it is enlivened by Varun Sharma's comic timing - but then meanders into a post-interval stretch that limps around in circles until a bizarre twist in the climax sends us home scratching our heads and wondering what on earth has hit us.


    Mar 2021
  • Firangi

    Neither the comic potential at the core of the film nor the energy of Kapil Sharma's antics is enough to pull it out of the irremediable mess it degenerates into. Firangi might have been harmless fun if only it had stopped short of running so hopelessly amok.


    Dec 2017
  • Bhavesh Joshi Superhero

    Motwane has made a minimal and bare-knuckled vigilante film that means well, but is built out of obvious influences. We know exactly where it's heading, but it still leaves us waiting at the signal too long.


    Jun 2018
  • 2.0

    The good versus evil tropes that 2.0 employs are trite, but the battle at the heart of the film - it pits a warped model if development against in the need for ecological conservation in a no-holds-barred fantasy - has moments that are thought-provoking and entertaining at once.


    Nov 2018
  • Pankh frankly ugly and beyond a point, absolutely tedious. Sanjay and Sudipto want to be edgy and dark but the writing isn’t sophisticated enough to support their ambitions.


    Apr 2010
  • Gunday

    The eye candy on liberal display in Gunday isn’t buttressed with enough narrative energy. It really is difficult to keep a two-and-a-half-hour film from losing its wheels when its engine room is bereft of the propellant of genuine inspiration.


    Feb 2014
  • Dishoom

    The audience sits through the cacophony hoping for a genuine knockout blow to be delivered somewhere down the line. It never materialises. Dishoom doesn't land a single half-decent punch.


    Jul 2016
  • Chef

    ...holds no secret sauce of its own, but perhaps we shouldn't be that surprised. There is only that much you can do with a reheated film.


    Oct 2017