An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.

Critic reviews and ratings

  • ...a bit of romance juggled with a bit of action here to create a run-of-the-mill thriller which takes so much time to rev up, it leaves you restless.


    Critic rating (?)

  • The film may've sounded like a perfect thriller on paper, but what unfolds on screen leaves you cold. There are gaping holes in the screenplay, which remain wide open till the end.


    Critic rating (?)

  • This type of film with unknown lead actors tries to lure you with its better known co-stars, but you quickly realize that those better known co-stars are equally clueless about the proceedings.


    Critic rating (?)

  • ...the film stands nowhere due to a poor screenplay and sketchy characters. The idea was good but carelessness seems to have ruined it at the final stage.


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  • is a series of frames put together as a slideshow; meaningless, brainless and distasteful. Everything — from the name of the film to its screenplay, direction, action and editing - reeks of artlessness and uninventive ideas.


    Critic rating (?)

Best and worst reviewed movies (Min. 5 reviews)