An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.

Critic reviews and ratings

  • Director Karan Viswanath Kashyap and actor co writer Brijendra Kala, fail to shape this potential quirky funny delight into an absorbing event on screen as they fall short of ideas/gags after a while.


    Critic rating (?)

  • What works against the film is not its story but the execution that suffers from weak writing and missed opportunities for an impactful social satire.


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  • Kashyap's adept handling of the film in the first half and most of the second does not justify the manner in which the film ends.


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  • Khanna seems to be having fun with his moustache, mischief, heartland politician, and rough around-the-edges Casanova character. The film hits the right notes when he is on screen but declines to near pallid when it focuses on the flimsy romance between Sharma and Kishan.


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  • ...does make the right noises about how dowry still makes life hell for the girls and that they should be allowed to make their own choices. It asks questions but doesn’t offer any concrete solutions.


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  • for the lead actor, nothing “kushal mangal” in this feeble comedy!


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  • Honestly, as an audience, when the premise, let alone the story, doesn't work for you, it's best to be distracted by things that do.


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  • A long, aimless comedy.


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  • ...wastes too much time on its uninspiring leads...


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  • ...insults the audience’s intelligence. It wallows in mediocrity and believes that non-Metros (where they hope this film will have a good run) are stuck in the 1980s to lap up anything that’s lobbed at them.


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