An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.


Deccan Chronicle

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  • Student Of The Year 2 just a silly, formulaic film with stock characters who are just pretty to ogle. It's a bit crude, a lot illogical and you might have to be in a certain state of mind to enjoy a film this silly.


    May 2019
  • Street Dancer 3D

    ...true to the simple minded genre of let’s-dance-to-challenge-and-conquer-all, is a chitrahar of grand, impressive, foot-tapping dance performances strung together by a very silly but melodramatic story that carries a moral — love all, hate none.


    Jan 2020
  • Stree

    ...has a lot to like about - it is funny, spooky, crazy and a little bit different. It has some really interesting ideas; its execution is less than stellar, but it still works.


    Aug 2018
  • Soorma

    If you are looking for an unusual story of an unsung hero, go and watch Soorma. Promise, it’s not a glorification of an Indian sportsman on silver screen.


    Jul 2018
  • Son Of Sardaar one big déjà vu. Not because it is a sequel to an earlier Rohit Shetty blockbuster, but because the film is riddled with clichés and tried-and-tested antics.


    Aug 2014
  • Simran

    Director Hansal Mehta is a brilliant director who handles such a simple story with great conviction. The film might lack on an extraordinary plot but it has the funniest of dialogues.


    Sep 2017
  • Simmba just another serviceable action movie that tastes like salted popcorn. It tastes good while it lasts, but eventually you end up rather dry and thirsty. It is all about glam and no substance.


    Dec 2018
  • Shootout At Wadala

    Gratifyingly, Sanjay Gupta doesn’t glorify Manya Surve. He is presented as someone whose life spiralled out of control, more of a doomed figure than a wonder hero. And that’s what makes 'Shootout at Wadala', quite a few cuts above the commonplace.


    May 2013
  • Shikara

    The problem with Shikara is not that it wants to tell the story of a people forced out of their homes. But that it paints the common Kashmiri Muslim as a colluder, an active one at that.


    Feb 2020
  • Shamitabh

    Shamitabh’s strength lies in the mighty performances of its two leading men, which to a large extent fill the holes in the plot and allow us to look beyond the many flights of fancy.


    Feb 2015