An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.



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  • Poster Boys

    While the premise is wafer-thin, the frothy plot after a few minutes becomes tedious. But it is the base writing credited to Bunty Rathore and Paritosh Painter that keeps the momentum of the narrative well-greased. With puns, film referenced dialogues, fast-paced dumb repartee and farcical situations the film is a hilarious ride.


    Sep 2017
  • Poorna a large-hearted film: more a heartfelt portrait of courage than just another routine underdog film. Small gripes shouldn't offset its overall impact. It is considerable.


    Mar 2017
  • Pink an evocative film about women, brimming with messages relevant for society, and keeps you riveted to the screen.


    Sep 2016
  • Pink because the grimness of the material doesn't weigh on the telling. This isn't a laboured lecture on women's rights.


    Sep 2016
  • Photograph

    The languid grace and unswerving geniality inherent in the making stand out. They enhance the radiance of the overall cinematic composition and make Photograph a film that will stay etched in our memories awhile.


    Mar 2019
  • Phoonk 2

    ...characters are supremely dim-witted and even the frights are too few and far between. One of the pleasures of these type of horror films is guessing which character will be bumped off first and how. But Gadagkar’s killings don’t show any flair or imagination. The horror is more Ramsay variety.


    Apr 2010
  • Phillauri an unconventional Bollywood entertainer that is watchable all the way. It does not rely on star power. It draws its strength instead from an off-kilter screenplay


    Mar 2017
  • Phillauri

    ...Anushka Sharma, who has also produced this film, is one of our most intriguing actresses. She's fine in her part, and often beguilingly pretty, yet the film wastes her. The fundamental problem with Phillauri, I believe, may be one of miscasting.


    Mar 2017
  • Pati Patni Aur Woh

    This iteration of Pati Patni Aur Woh manages to convey two truths: one, Bollywood's fictional heroines have evolved much faster than their male counterparts and two, film comedies that Mumbai churns out these days are no patch on the ones that the industry produced in earlier decades.


    Dec 2019
  • Pataakha

    Take it or lump it, Pataakha packs exaggerated flourishes of the kind that aren't all that common in Bollywood films that aren't strictly driven by mainstream impulses.


    Sep 2018
  • Parmanu as a flat as a pancake, a hopelessly limp exercise with creaky nucleus that is buried under a mound of forced tropes before it can get going.


    May 2018
  • Pari an uneven film that could have benefitted from the intervention of a more assertive editor. While it is replete with twists, these throw the audience off rather than aid in enhancing clarity.


    Mar 2018
  • Parched

    The sheer verve that the writer-director packs into her compelling tale of three women and a child bride battling rural India's gender gridlock gives the film a distinctive texture and quality.


    Sep 2016
  • Pankh frankly ugly and beyond a point, absolutely tedious. Sanjay and Sudipto want to be edgy and dark but the writing isn’t sophisticated enough to support their ambitions.


    Apr 2010