Dil Toh Dewaana Hai revolves around Raja (Haider Khan) and Anamika (Sada). Veteran Actress Zeenat Aman plays Raja's mother and a single paren. Raja is an introvert and shy by nature, while Anamika is arrogant spoiled and pampered daughter of one of the billionaires of Malaysia played by the Veteran actor Raj Babbar. Raja and Anamika meet in the tube in Malaysai where she is drunk and passes out and he helps her. This chance meeting leads to further meetings and he starts falling in love with her. Is the rich spoilt girl able to accept his love? Will her rich father agree?
This contemporary love story is not just about Raja and Anamika, but also highlights the life of today's youth no matter in what country they reside, or which social strata they come from. With hordes of people migrating away from their roots, their next generation is even farther from the traditional Indian values and culture. This story set against the backdrop of Malaysia truly represents the struggle of today's youth living abroad, their contradictions and confusion, culture differences and clash value system. While the first generation still tries to imbibe them with traditional values the exposure to the outer world with different value system often tends to confuse the youngsters and they are left searching for answers with regards to love, values, careers and life itself.
This film isn't just for youth really, but also for those people who might have thought that they would give better life to their children by earning more money and shifting to a better place, may be even a different country. But are they really giving their children the 'Better Life' they hoped for?