An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.

Critic reviews and ratings

  • ...has many good points, along with a strong story, which shows how an orthodox approach to education, in this case in Islam, can ruin lives; both young and old. However, execution and performances fail this film from rising above being anything more than a film with a ‘message’.


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  • While the director Zaigham in spite of his pious effort and meaningful message fails to uplift the film into a significant chapter that invites debate and have its cinematic stay due to its laziness in nuances and novelty in presentation...


    Critic rating (?)

  • The theatrical acting and inept handling of scenes stretches on for 120 minutes, and the larger issues that the movie tries to tackle fall by the wayside.


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  • proof, if any were needed, that good intentions need good writing, good direction and good production values to be translated into a good film. This is an important story. It just needs to be told in a better film.


    Critic rating (?)

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