Jhootha Kahin Ka
Critic reviews and ratings
...is an escapist stress buster that only knows how to chill with its mad, crazy fun.
...has a few moments of comic relief towards the end but overall the film leaves much to be desired.
Watch the film if loud comedies is your game. Otherwise avoid.
It should have been a funny comedy of errors, it just isn't.
The film’s grammatically-challenged tagline — “Liars need to have good memories” — is hopefully, inversely proportional to what the audience retains from this one — for the sake of their sanity.
Replete with inane humour, the movie barely inspires a chuckle. Apparently, an assortment of stereotypical characters, a dash of one-liners and songs thrown in at regular intervals is enough to make a film today.
The whole commotion would have been resolved if the characters had sat across from each other and explained their positions, but then we wouldn’t have had a movie to plod through.
Call this a comedy? Now there’s a damned lie.
...Kang can’t stop the humour turning loud and crass with double entendre slipping in, specially when it comes to women. It’s not just the sexist jokes, here the women are rendered deliberately vapid and inconsequential...
Comedies like Jhootha Ka Nahin are horror in today’s age. Their ‘error’ isn’t derived from characters double-dealing each other, but in filmmakers thinking they can double-deal the audience.
...is a silly comedy with an implausible plot. It has a one dimensional sense of humour, and is not worth a watch.
This alleged comedy of errors, in which are complicit such veterans as Rishi Kapoor and Rakesh Bedi, bids fair to leap straight into the worst films of the year list. The dialogue is risible. The performances are loud. The film is beyond awful.
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