An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.

Critic reviews and ratings

  • ...needs to be appreciated for what it sets out to do – stirring the common man out of apathy by channelising our anger. It doesn’t entirely succeed, but Vikramaditya Motwane’s take on the superhero genre is worth a look.


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  • This one had the potential to be the surprise hit of the year. Sadly, it’s too dark for a superhero film and yet distinctly flaky to be taken seriously.


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  • an attempt to propel the individual out of apathy, and asks us to channelise our anger in the right direction. It doesn't succeed entirely, but Motwane's fresh take on the wearied superhero genre is worth a watch.


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  • ...Motwane breaks into new territories with his innovative take on superhero films. Bhavesh Joshi Superhero has its heart in the right place and its tone is totally indigenous.


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  • ...Bhavesh Joshi is Vikramaditya Motwane's braveheart attempt at creating a DC (not Marvel, as an in-joke explains, because it's darker) superhero movie. Now whether the Indian audience is ready for such stuff and whether it'll take to it is a big question Indeed...


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  • The movie has some really refreshing parts, and others are so blatantly aped from Netflix shows and movies, they sort of cancel each other out.


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  • The first half is successful in establishing the premise and a grand take off ( Udaan) is promised but alas, the farfetched approach, the loneliness of the super hero Bhavesh Joshi, his inability to go all out at the monsters of corruption turns this potential quirky dark and edgy superhero flick into more of a personal vendetta saga.


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  • caught in a peculiar bind: it’s a bit too competent to be dismissed, but not original or striking enough to dispel the feeling that it’s all been done before.


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  • an impressive, admirable attempt at creating a vulnerable middle-class superhero in the real world, committed to tackling everyday challenges faced by the ordinary citizen. But it’s also bloated and indulgent...


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  • A sombre not-quite-superhero tale whose flaws don’t make it any less fascinating.


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  • For all its promises of looking at Mumbai’s seemingly intractable problems with a fresh eye, Bhavesh Joshi Superhero offers solutions that are far removed from reality. The film moves away from common sense as it descends into genre territory. It doesn’t help that its leading man fails to take audiences along.


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  • more or less like India’s Justice League goes haywire. It is enjoyable in parts but you won’t lose out on anything if you miss this one rather watch any superhero flick from DC or Marvels.


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  • There is a film in here. Or should I say, would have been, if Bhavesh Joshi Superhero had been less of a cobbled-together-from-many-influences overlong yarn. And fresher, sharper, clearer.


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  • While Motwane’s blueprint is derivative (you will think Kick Ass and Arrow), his thoughts and setting are localised enough to make this a convincing character within the genre. But the film’s flaw is that it’s trying to say too much and doing so at such a painful pace that much of a good intention is lost in execution.


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  • A good set-up – is all you get. After the first hour it goes from mediocre to worse.


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  • Motwane has made a minimal and bare-knuckled vigilante film that means well, but is built out of obvious influences. We know exactly where it's heading, but it still leaves us waiting at the signal too long.


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  • its bid to be dark, cool and edgy, it cannot shrug off its air of puerility. If not pure bunkum, it strays dangerously close, like Icarus, to slipping off its orbit completely.


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  • ...with some cracker locations and fine camera work otherwise, is anything to go by, you can tell, the chops to recreate a Frank Miller type visual flipbook exist. Except the non-superhero on the screen, like the movie itself, merely moves around in convenient circles, and head-splitting clichés. 


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  • Somewhere Motwane gets too self-aware and conscious—be it the genre of superhero cinema he is playing with or the issue of corruption itself. The point gets belaboured and the film too protracted.


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  • a poor show owing to its haphazard writing and bad direction.


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