An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.

Critic reviews and ratings

  • fine vacation fare for the family and presents a viable alternative to parents who are looking for meaningful tween entertainment in a boom-boom age.


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  • watchable but simply for its ‘shoe-string’ of an idea.


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  • ...a gentle but persuasive piece of work, not just for children -- though certainly about children who learn fast about the harsh realities of life.


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  • Perhaps some films are better left untouched. You might enjoy this marginally, if you haven’t had the chance to see the original.


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  • ...starts off well, but loses focus as it develops. Nothing to rave or rant about!


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  • an 'official' adaptation of the award winning Iranian film Children of Heaven. With the screenplay firmly in place and a master director such as Priyadarshan at the helm, one would not be wrong to expect a sweet kiddie film which both entertains and enthralls. Unfortunately that doesn't happen.


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  • ...fails entirely because it's hard to connect with the kids and their pain.


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  • Darsheel and Atul Kulkarni have done great job but movie lacks pace and solid climax to make it endearing at the box office.


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  • The producers could’ve saved themselves all the effort and expenses, and just dubbed Children Of Heaven in Hindi instead.


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  • Priyadarshan reworks a minimalist masterwork into an overblown (and over-cute) drama. The results aren’t pretty.


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  • Considering Priyardarshan had two solid child artistes, he has done no justice to their talent. What was required was a plain simple, original script.


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  • ...if lifting a film without giving due credit to the original is a crime, officially adapting a classic and murdering it is a sin. Bumm Bumm Bole is an occurence of that sin at its fathomable worst.


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