Hate Story
Critic reviews and ratings
...banks on the age-old vendetta theme, but what takes it beyond the mediocre mark is the cat and mouse game played by the protagonist and antagonist, besides, of course, the bold and provocative scenes that add spice to the proceedings.
Appreciate, if you will, the thriller, not the diet-erotica - that's rather an anti-climax.
...is like a one night stand. You do it just for thrills. This one’s definitely not for keeps.
...is neither spectacular, nor boring. It falls somewhere in between.
...pushes your patience to the brink.
...the film is not the sleaze-fest the promos led you to believe it was. Now that can be a respite or, a disappointment depending on which side of the fence you’re on.
...what we get is an oomphy, oozy femme who is uninhibitedly fatale, and capable of steaming things up, but stuck in a story which starts off as credible but all too soon plunges us into a pit of disbelief.
Agnihotri tries to bring alive the tale but is hampered by the script despite the good production values making it for just an okay watch.
...works partly because of its bold heroine and partly because it really is an interesting thriller that keeps you hooked till the clumsy end. But it could have been so much more had the script been more cohesive.
A long drawn, listless revenge saga, Hate Story might give you more reasons to hate it than enjoy it.
Publicised purely on the strength of its 'erotic' content and scandalously adult themes, Hate Story delivers very little actual heat.
Unless the voyeur in you insists, stay away from the theatres.
A wasted attempt.
...fails miserably because of a myopic script and direction. Its production values like Paoli’s styling are tacky, as loud and superficially glossy like the film’s sensibility.
....is being pitched as an erotic thriller but it’s neither very thrilling or particularly erotic. But it does work as unintentional comedy.
...latent possibilities are buried here under a contrived script in which all proceedings are manipulated to fall in line with the writer’s ultimate goal, the dialoguebaazi is more amusing than it is hard hitting, and the execution borders on the farcical.
The film may give morality a Dam(n) but there has to be logic. Thanks to the jerky narrative, instead of empathising with the characters you start laughing at them.
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