An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.
  • Redrum – A Love Story


    Overwhelming dislike (?)
    Based on 2 critics

    Cast & Crew


    Redrum - A Love Story is a story of a disturbed man who becomes a Rockstar, but even after receiving all the applaud, his complexities and insecurities get the better of him.

    Daksh, a singer, is doing extremely well up until he falls in love with Aarika. Aarika on attending Daksh's concert is completely swept off of her feet. They instantly fall in love.

    The stereotype attached to stars about drugs is true in this story as well. While Aarika is oblivious to Daksh being a drug addict, his name is the first to be involved with the drug mafia. Simultaneously we have the police searching for the drug mafia and all their clients. The news of Daksh's involvement with drugs and the police lead him to being kicked out of the band.

    As the lovers' fondness for each other grows so does Daksh's obsession and consequent anger with Aarika. In this ruckus Aarika blindly believes him and decides to help him with his singing career. She arranges for his performances, however Daksh manages to disappoint her here as well.


Critic reviews and ratings

  • ...this horror/thriller/romance is the kind of mental torment that not even our worst enemies should be forced to endure.


    Critic rating (?)

  • They claim the film is based on an Edgar Allan Poe's story: The Tell Tale Heart, but you know it's based on every cinematic cliche they could think up of and you know you can never get 100 minutes of your life.


    Critic rating (?)

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