Critic reviews and ratings
Well acted, well narrated and with loads of great music (Midival Punditz), Soundtrack is cinema with a soul.
...starts unsurely, mildly irritates while casually displaying a wasted life amidst drugs, alcohol and sex and then grips you into a story that makes you want good things to happen to a person you didn't like much or worse, were indifferent to.
...a soul-stirring tale of a musician's voyage into deafening hedonism and a quiet redemption.
...captivates you with a story that talks of the triumph of the human spirit. An inspiring film, a human story, a relatable and credible journey with an atypical, feel-good conclusion...
...hard-hitting and creatively presented.
...a watchable film, with able support from its cast and if Ghosh is to be credited for anything, let it be said that he has an eye for his material and knows where to look.
Incoherent sometimes, but enjoyable eventually, Soundtrack deserved to be a better film. In its present state, it's not-so-bad either.
I'd have been happy to rate this movie higher had it been entirely original. Even so, the choice of film to remake is commendable simply because it is not your usual cup of tea.
...the film is watchable for its starkly distinct narrative and stands out amidst the current crop of mindless comic capers and over-the-top action flicks.
...if you're looking for a dark, real tale of an authentic and flawed hero, this one's for you.
It's endearing, playful and filled with laughter and banter. A heartwarming tale that makes you want to shed your cynicism and believe in love.
...gives us a story which feels like it is about something : such a relief from the spate of nothing movies that have been infesting our theatres for a while now, even if the result is mixed.
...is decent in parts and could've made for a very upheaving watch had it been for better execution.
An average fare.
Somewhere in this tiring film is a promising idea that hasn't been fully exploited.
You can still tell a bunch of Bandroids trying hard. Something genuine, off-centre, Indian, original, and cutting image, will eventually emerge from efforts like these. Until then, I guess, we should just bear with these.
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