An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.

Critic reviews and ratings

  • ...has glaring loopholes but the sheer determination of the duo to please the traditional/loyal fans of whodunit thrillers is unshakable in this snaky, twisty ride.


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  • Had the 137-minute movie been as ruthless about its running length as some of its characters, Bypass Road might actually have worked.


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  • ...the storyline shows promise but the execution is faulty from the word go.


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  • ...may have aspired to soar high as a slasher flick but faulty writing kind of clips its wings...


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  • No amount of thunder and lightning, cats and threats, conveniently forsaken homes to carry out a long-drawn-out clash between masked intruders and wheelchaired victims (something the recent Game Over did so well) can chart Bypass Road's bumpy course.


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  • Much as I would like to watch, and recommend, a tightly woven suspense drama replete with surprise that jolts you out of your preconceived findings and verdicts, Bypass Road is definitely not the one...


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  • The plot is convoluted. The proceedings are confused.


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  • My takeaway from Bypass Road is that perhaps it isn’t such a good idea to let an actor write a script, play the lead role, co-produce the film and have his brother direct it. Because then what you get isn’t a film, it’s a showreel.


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