Kill Dil
Critic reviews and ratings
Two hours of pure entertainment.
Here's a ghisa pita story so predictable that you could sleep through the middle of it and still not miss a point. But then at places, some scenes have been handled in a delightfully novel manner that you rub your sleepy eyes in disbelief.
...doesn't have weight or enduring value. But while it lasts, Shaad makes sure you're having a good time.
There is enough pizzazz to divert you from the cliched plot.
For the cast, and a few interesting moments, and the stylistic treatment (that often goes overboard), this one's an ok watch. That's if you're up for a cliched story packaged a little differently.
...is eventually the kind of lightweight effort watchable not for its content, but because you see the makers enjoying themselves. We admire the way they laugh, not the joke they laugh at.
There's not a lot of praise one can heap on 'Kill Dil' except to say that it's not an unwatchable film.
Despite its predictability, some fun elements and novel techniques in storytelling, make it a a fun-time watch while it lasts.
Oscillating between cool and cold, this one will only add to the monthly bill.
With style trumping over substance, Kill Dil fails to win over our hearts. We wish we got a better story line and more of Govinda!
...a film, which could have been worth watching, had it been handled and directed properly.
It simply doesn't have enough soul and substance to be able to go all the way to the finish line with its grand design in one piece.
...flirts with the idea of having rotten men as its lead pair. It even seems to enjoy their bloody bonhomie. But it chickens out. What a shame! And what a waste!
...it falls flat at the most crucial point, its story. Kill Dil gives you an extremely predictable story.
Plot that should've been done away with in the 70s - lingers on unimaginatively and bores.
If Shaad had summoned up half as much passion for this project as Ranveer and Parineeti expend on it, Kill/Dil would not have felt like the listless, criminal waste of amazing resources that it is.
End of the day, this is a classic case of could-have-been.
Kill Dill may have excited the producers at conception level. As a complete film it features a very watchable Ranveer Singh and Parineeti Chopra. And it is only them that drives this otherwise limp of a film.
At every point, you keep wanting Kill/Dil to be so much more – but this isn’t a lazy failure. If anything, Ali tries to do too much.
...it will kill your dil and dimaag.
Seriously, even the on-going season of Bigg Boss has more meat than this half-cooked turkey of a script.
...is an amalgam of Hindi film clichés, the most obvious being the orphans, set to uninspired gimmicks. A waste of a Govinda comeback.
This begins badly, plods away the way it began, and ends worse.
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