An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.

Critic reviews and ratings

  • Not that it was very difficult to make anything better than the first in this series, yet, this one came as a pleasant shock.


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  • The best part about the film is the storyline that builds into a perfect climax.


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  • I suppose we get the entertainment we deserve but one can't help feeling that the man (Varma) who helped rejuvenate the horror genre in India might also be instrumental in hastening its demise.


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  • ...starts off being is scarier and bloodier than the first film, but ends up conforming to the regular horror fare complete with spirit possessions and the white-eyed ghost.


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  • ...just another run-of-the-mill horror film and doesn't do anything to lift the genre to another level altogether.


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  • ...sequel, though having an interesting angle, falls short of expectations.


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  • ...characters are supremely dim-witted and even the frights are too few and far between. One of the pleasures of these type of horror films is guessing which character will be bumped off first and how. But Gadagkar’s killings don’t show any flair or imagination. The horror is more Ramsay variety.


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  • ...manages to startle and scare in a few places, even if a few scenes look filched from a couple of Japanese horror films, once in a while. Can’t ask for more, not from RGV’s brand of horror.


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  • Ram Gopal Varma's terror theme has clearly run its course.


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  • what you'd describe as Ramgopal Varma-lite. The thrills and scares are few and far between. They could have made this film in their sleep. Who knows, they probably did!


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  • The movie does have unexpected twists and some very good thrills. But what it also has is tacky sequences of a doll fighting off a fully grown man that leave you laughing. Basically this is good idea gone bad.


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  • ...comes across as one of those usual revenge films, which tries so hard to create an eerie atmosphere, but never succeeds.


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  • ...doesn’t scare you out of your pantaloons. It merely employs some select words in the dialogue that could send you over the moon. Swoon.


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  • ...bogged down by a poor script. In fact, the movie hardly moves forward in the first half. It takes off only in the second half and even then it fails to scare the viewer.


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  • ...literally blows things out of proportion. Watching this film is like indulging in two hours of foreplay with no sex.


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  • ...Ramu, do you actually believe today's young audience, fed on a veritable Hollywood scarefest diet, would be scared by swings that, well, swing in the dead of night on their own or cupboard and doors that creak open or for that matter lights that switch on of their own volition? Even the half century old Mahal, Bees Saal Baad or Kohraa went beyond this.


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