An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.

Critic reviews and ratings

  • It's a complete package of entertainment for the masses and devoted fans of masala movies.


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  • ...over-the-top retro kitsch, spilling over with high-voltage stunts, slow-motion action cuts and fiery dialogues delivered in high decibels. It is meant for all those action buffs interested in time travel to the angry young 1970s and 1980s when cinema was larger-than-life and totally unrealistic.


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  • old-fashioned but rousing Hindi commercial film that pretty much restores one's faith in this often-maligned brand of cinema.


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  • ...a film that will invoke wolf whistles and applause from its audience. It is gloriously massy. The movie knows its job and does it well. It does nothing out of the box to grab your attention and yet it does. Pretty easily. Watch it for its robust potboiler personality.


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  • The more things change, the more they remain the same. That's accurate for Hindi films, at least. On one hand we have subversive formula-breaking films, and on the other, we're clinging desperately to the formula as it were.


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  • This is a masala entertainer for the hoi polloi.


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  • Yes, this is Wanted Part 2 or Dabanng Part 2 without Salman Khan's crazy charm.


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  • ...a complete paisa-vasool entertainer.


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  • It's the kind of film that is enjoyable because it is predictable. You know Singham will destroy all evil, justice will be done, and at least for a few hours, all will be well with the world.


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  • Comical action, filmy dialogue, awful flow make Singham's decent concept look laughable. It tries to make a couple of points but they are lost in the "coolness" that the film wants to be.


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  • ...a lot of noise (read loud) and no substance...


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  • If you're looking for an action film to entertain you this weekend, Singham isn't that film. This wannabe Dabangg is at best a comic film but there are so many other options that could do the job much better. Give this one a miss.


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  • in bits and pieces, only when Devgn gets fully into his stride, squaring up to Raj as he hits the high notes. The rest is just stitched-up scenery.


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  • ...isn't an unwatchable film, but how many times can you watch bad guys being whipped with a belt? Or heads being pummeled by a bare fist? There is such a thing as overkill, after all.


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  • The treatment is shoddy, background music is outdated (in fact, I almost expected to hear dishoom dishoom like in the 80's during the fights), the dialogues are unbelievably tacky and generally the film is tiring.


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  • The tone is uniformally over-the-top—loud dialogue and acting, shrill jokes, dazzling colours, kitschy sets and costumes and stylised choreography.


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  • Over all, Singham is more of a Sing - HAM fest. Stretches like a Chewing gum.


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  • All I can personally say about this trend of remaking one-note Southern hits as a viewer is that it's an exhausting one.


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  • Devgn walks to beats similar to Salman's Dabanng. He beats the crap out of ruffians outside a village theatre. He restores his woman's honour. Besotted, she chases him. Audiences think even more highly of the hero. He beats the crap some more.


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  • This is supposed to be a masala film. But correct me if am wrong, the oregano must go on the pizza or are you going to snort it straight from the sachet?


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