An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.

Critic reviews and ratings

  • ...should be watched to experience how a master storyteller like Majidi can redeem Hindi cinema from drudgery. 


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  • This heartfelt and sensitive adage on the triumph of good over evil ends on a beautiful note of hope with that closing shot that stamps, cements and underlines the magic of Majidi we know.


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  • ...sheds light on how far one is willing to go for the sake of those they hold dear. It scores superlatively on all the facets cinema ought to be judged on.


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  • Majidi's subject matter might seem to be repetitive, but the famed director's take on redemption is fleshed out by strong performances to make 'Beyond the Clouds' another notable entry in his filmography.


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  • Be prepared to get out of your comfort zone though. It's the duty of artist to familiarise the unfamiliar and that's what Majidi has done here.


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  • a mixed bag.  It is likely to be a footnote in Majidi’s rich filmography. But the film is worth seeing as an intriguing experiment.


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  • It may not be a deep, immersive, dislocating experience one usually has when introduced to unwavering spirits and personal narratives that his cinema has come to be known for. But it’s surely reminiscent of his previous work and sparkles up an appetite to revisit them.


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  • as harsh as it is kind and in that sense it follows life. If only the Iranian director had avoided drama especially through some of the performances and the background score. These took a toll on the subtlety that could have been.


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  • Ultimately the film offers comfort in the familiar…for those that seek it. It’s Majid Majidi-lite at best; a bittersweet, inoffensive drama that runs, but never flies.


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  • a nice, touching tale that works despite the minuses.


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  • What works in this manufactured moral tale is Ishaan Khatter's unripe intensity.


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  • For all its evocative daubs and dashes, Beyond the Clouds falls short of Majid Majidi's own lofty benchmark. It is a not so great film from a great director.


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  • certainly not a masterpiece of Majid Majidi. It is just another regular story of orphan siblings and their problematic lives. Avoid the pace and plot, the film is high on emotions.


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  • Together (Khattar and Mohanan) their effort might be sincere but the effect of a lack of cohesion eschews the very emotional gravitas Beyond the Clouds works so hard to achieve.


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  • Despite excellent symbols and good performances in patches, Beyond The Clouds remains something we have seen and had expected. The uniqueness of the film hardly crosses the crowded bylanes. Majid Majidi’s foreign eyes see what all of them see.


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  • By ignoring the cynicism that marks the average urban poverty saga, Beyond the Clouds ends up being a fairy tale woven around people living on the periphery. There is none of the painful honesty of Salaam Bombay! nor the wish fulfillment fantasies of Slumdog Millionaire in Amir’s adventures.


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  • Majid Majidi comes to India and falls for the poverty is beautiful trap. After that, he simply rolls from one cliche to another and another until you just shake your head in despair.


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  • Majid Majidi tries to combine his minimalistic approach with Bollywoodian melodrama with disappointing results.


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  • ...good-looking yet hollow, and leaves us wondering why, if Majidi did have to make a Hindi film, did he choose this subject? He’s clearly seeing it at second-remove.


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  • ...had it not been Majidi making this, it’s debatable whether Beyond the Clouds, which feels like an artily rendered patchwork of stock Mumbai film moments, would have been on anyone’s radar.


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  • well-meaning in its message of compassion in a harsh world but it is one thing to tug at the heartstrings and another to become a sappy Bollywood drama while doing so.


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