Critic reviews and ratings
Sweet, simple, emotionally engaging, heart-warming cinema!
For loads of smiles, laughs and a few tears, watch Gippi.
A clean movie which anyone can identify with.
Sonam Nair's 'coming of puberty' film handles simple issues sensitively, though it doesn't delve too deep. The subtlety appeals, but lacks drama in the second half, with a mediocre climax.
Gippi is fun, Gippi is relatable and Gippi is every bit adorable.
Sure, Gippi is over-simplified, but the cute factor makes up for it.
For all its attempts to look and feel different from the run-of-the-mill, Gippi is pretty obviously not the ultimate film about adolescence.
...portrays the troubles of adolescence very cutely without passing preachy messages. Only if the film could lose its predictability.
There is something innocent and vulnerable about Gippi that touches a chord, but it is the unnecessary mix and match of clichéd moments and mundane dialogues that prevents the film from rising above the ordinary.
...a coming-of-age flick that doesn't quite come of age.
...a big hurrah for the girls of Gippi.
...is an unpretentious and fun film. It could’ve have been a definitive statement on teen conundrum. But it never promises to tap into the cerebral.
...follows a tried-and-tested Hollywood template, and it doesn’t try to do too much. Its triumphs are minor (though not insignificant).
...soon the designer exterior, in which the real emotions are ensconced, begins to get overbearing and irritating.
The film has the universally acceptable message that most self-help books will give you: love your flaws, love yourself. A film needs some more meat; it can’t thrive on a message. When storytelling, characterization and performance are lost, all is lost.
If only the story was more real and close to home.
Ultimately, this could have been a sweet, unusual tale about the triumph of a nerd, yet it's let down by its affected tone.
The way it pans out it reminds us of producer Karan Johar’s 2012 hit Student Of The Year. Only, the bling factor is a little diminished. It raises relevant points but the innocence or the lack of it seems manufactured.
Unfortunately, the rest somehow has a been-there-seen-that-in-this-or-that-Hollywood-film quality to it.
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