Helicopter Eela
Critic reviews and ratings
...is a fun ride that manages to land safely despite some turbulence.
...is a cute one-time watch with your family
...is your regular, everyday slice-of-life family tale told with humour.
...doesn't entirely falls prey to directors intentions going wrong, the brilliance of Kajol and good support of Riddhi Sen with those above mentioned movements make 'Eela' rotate the wings of the 'helicopter' with a smile at least if not able to take the sky it desired.
Kajol may look like a million bucks but her version of a pushy mum who tries a bit too hard to fit in is little short of caricature. To her credit, it is the writing that often lets her down.
Watch the film for some fierce acting by Kajol, who given her enormous talent should be getting more author-backed roles.
In the effort to dose Helicopter Eela with humour -- and it's not that a movie on this subject cannot be funny -- the film cuts down on its believability. The loser, as a result is Eela's journey to emancipation. And the audience.
The start-stop narrative, which feels jerky and disjointed, contains the ghost of a screwball comedy.
...might have had a clear purpose. But that gets glossed over by a stretched storyline and at times, over-hammy acting. The excessive drama shoots down any comic potential.
A different but thin story-line that stretches too long, most of which you know from the trailer, including the 2-3 funny lines. ‘Different’ gets some points though.
...is a poorly made film and has too many loose ends and silly moments.
What could have been a humongous parenting film, is just so frivolously written, that even moments of greatness are reduced to froth.
Sarkar’s film is too melodramatic and long drawn out to hold any impact.
The story certainly has its moments, but the schmaltzy grammar adopted by Sarkar fails this messy story about prodigy mothers and prodigal sons.
You’ve seen all this before…and done better too.
...the narrative has its share of powerful moments, but they are so few that you can count them on your fingers.
...means well, but it ends up as an often fun but almost entirely superficial Mom com, a sort of English Vinglish without depth.
The problem with Helicopter Eela is that it allows the drama to trump its comic potential. A little more wit and humour and a little less earnestness might have given the film the wings it wants.
...is so saddled with banal story-telling, stretched sub-plots and exaggerated performances, including and especially from the lead actress, that it never really takes off.
A terrible mother-son story with a Freudian subtext it doesn’t know what to do with.
...is a loud, tone-deaf mother-son coming-of-age saga that lacks insights and observational humour.
It feels dated and shallow.
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