An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.

Critic reviews and ratings

  • So whether you have pressing matters to attend to or not, please take a detour to this toilet. Each of us needs to raise a stink about what our countrymen do in the open.


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  • Don't look for subtlety in the storytelling in 'Toilet: Ek Prem Katha' and you will come away a happy viewer with some relevant thoughts on how non-metropolitan India exists without caving into a depression.


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  • The film doesn't look preachy at all; rather the issue of no toilet is shown in a quirky way. The USP of the film is its dialogues, which are written well.


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  • A propaganda or not, this one's watchable only for Akshay Kumar and his ability to hold it together.


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  • a solid entertainer with a strong social message.


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  • ...despite the minuses, integrates a strong social message with entertainment wonderfully and also questions several age old practises in the society.


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  • What works for the film is the hinterland humour.


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  • In spite of its constipated second half and sluggish approach, the movie has its witty, satirical moments, terrific performances that entertain to the core...


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  • Despite the flaws, TEPK is worth it for the pure intent and purpose behind its making. And of course, the brilliant chemistry between Akshay and Bhumi.


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  • I must repeat that it’s refreshing to see Hindi cinema tackle such challenging subjects. But a film has to work as a film. This one does, in fits and starts.


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  • Brings up many important issues related not just to religion, culture or even sanitation. It points a huge finger at sexism and the politics of both home and nation. But, is extremely preachy through most of it.


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  • ...Toilet's sanctimonious tone and melodramatic inclinations that takes every possible complexity -- social, cultural or religious -- and shoves it down the viewer's throat in the garb of rushed protests and simplistic resolve.


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  • It’s clear the film has its heart in the right place but the blatant pandering gets tiresome.


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  • The moment a film succumbs to being the carrier of a Message as opposed to a message, it becomes burdened.


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  • The intent of Toilet: Ek Prem Katha may be commendable. The execution is hugely hamfisted. When a Bollywood filmmaker assumes the role of a cheerleader for a government campaign on whose efficacy the jury is still out, you know you've been had.


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  • ...all hell breaks loose (and hell, loos are broken) as the screenplay is gradually replaced by a government pamphlet. It all becomes painfully predictable, from a media scrum to a nick of time climax, and this film could well have been titled Poop-li Live.


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  • Instead of sticking to social satire, Toilet: Ek Prem Katha takes on the mantle of an extended propaganda film—it’s just as tiresome, but with better production values and performances.


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  • this film any more than the filmmakers genuflecting to the government? Paying deep obeisance to the Swacch Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India campaign)? That sort of stinks, methinks.


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  • If there were any doubts that Akshay Kumar is the poster boy of this regime they can be laid to rest with Toilet: Ek Prem Katha.


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  • Unfortunately, that intention and all its positives are completely overshadowed by its cringe-worthy keenness to bow and scrape before the present government and its head, an aspect of the film that lingers as much as its pluses because all the obsequiousness is packed into the latter half.


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  • ...pans out exactly like a public service announcement video produced by Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: it demands attention because of the seriousness of the subject, but makes little effort to engage its intended recipients.


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