An archive of Hindi movie reviews and ratings from 2010 to 2020.

Critic reviews and ratings

  • Bauaa Singh is a severely flawed character made irresistible by his pluck, and it’s remarkable how much Khan brings to the part. And he remains the best lover in the business.


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  • ...the most audacious love story of the year.


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  • While the film has a wealth of references to Bollywood and its stars, these details don’t compensate for a story that starts with a beautiful plot, but takes off on a bizarre ride.


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  • The movie is a test of patience and demands great degree of suspension of disbelief. But like those dimples on that smiling face, Shah Rukh Khan as Bauua Singh leaves a lasting impression.


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  • Shah Rukh Khan is experimenting with each film and must be admired for his zeal to attempt something out of the ordinary and not playing it safe. He has given it all to the film and makes you believe in Bauaa’s madness even in the film’s most fantastical scenes.


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  • Zero gets marks for Shah Rukh's experiment into a space less traveled.  If you're curious, go ahead, amuse yourelf.


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  • Swapping its marvellous idiosyncrasies for misplaced ideals, two exhilarating hours are followed by forty indulgent minutes. The upshot is a well-aimed mess that never quite lands.


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  • On the level of cinematic realism, the plot of ‘Zero’ is plainly batshit crazy. But the film has an enthralling visual display, has a few short and gripping star turns, and throws up some fascinating analogues.


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  • Director Anand L Rai has forever backed stories that explore a range of human emotions in its most basic manifestations. Here, he deviates from his natural style and even basic constructs such as Bauaa’s change of heart or his initial courtship lack the soul one expects from his work.


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  • ...its astral ambitions are thwarted by a lack of imagination and genuine understanding of the minds of people struggling to ward off undeserved ridicule and earn rightful recognition.


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  • The characteristic outstretched arms of SRK get smaller, as does his height, the creative ambition gets bigger but the film stays resolutely middling when it could have been much more.


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  • ...left me stumped and eventually, sad. Because when artists take such ambitious creative risks, you are really rooting for them to succeed.


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  • Beyond Badshah's badassery, everything else is just gawdawful.


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  • Khan’s fanbase will possibly be even more perplexed with Zero. By trying to play the man next door rather than a larger-than-life personality, Khan has all too literally let himself be cut to size. The romantic declarations are less effective, the conviction with which Khan has carried off more modest romances is missing, and the package is smaller than before.


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  • They have to try and make sense AND they have to keep Shah Rukh Khan fans happy. In this tussle, logic is thrown into the Pacific Ocean.


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  • This film reimagines the all-consuming charisma of its leading man with a cool spin, but constantly cushions it in padding just in case he falls. The result is a middling vaudeville occasionally lifted by a clever line or a peak in the music score, pushing towards a trite and predictable climax that can be seen from space.


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  • Shah Rukh Khan is especially entertaining in the first half while the script stays on track. But in the end it feels as if the makers threw everything at the wall and decided to see what sticks. Unfortunately, very little does.


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  • Breaks my heart to not like a film that treats disability and abnormality with such forthrightness. How I wish everything else in the film wasn’t so disconnected.


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  • ...has several factors going for it: star presence, winsome performances, energetic soundtrack and of course, it’s timed during the Christmas and New Year vacations. Sadly, the weak, flawed and lacklustre screenwriting is all that you recall after you’ve watched the much-awaited movie.


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  • The flaws of Zero lie not in the physicality of the characters, but in the story. Too ambitious in its vision and indiscriminately illogical, Rai falters in exploring both inner spaces and outer space.


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  • Whether or not Zero rakes in big bucks at the box office, it is a spluttering, tottering affair.


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  • How many times do we see A-list Bollywood superstars go out of their comfort zone? SRK could have taken a deep dive into Bauua and emerged on another level. But he gets busy trying to do another Swades, and fly the flag, and be a patriot. When you try to do everything, very little is achieved.


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